IS 5# too little weight loss after 1 wk post op?

I'm 1 wk post op and I have lost only 5#. It seems this is an insignificant weight loss. I'm following the liquid diet and drink 6oz can protein supplement. Any one sharing my prob? How can I speed up weight loss?    — [Anonymous] (posted on July 11, 2000)

July 11, 2000
I too gained 8# while in the hospital from fluids! YOW! Felt like the Doughgirl for sure! Just be sure you are taking in a LOT of water (slowly, but constantly) and not taking in ANY sugar, so read the labels of everything, including your 6 oz drink. Limit yourself to 6g of sugar per meal. The rest is up to your body to take care of!
   — vitalady

July 11, 2000
Hi! I gained 10 lbs. in the hospital. I had wls 4/19/00! Lucky for me, my home scale does not weigh over 350 & I started out at 380-383. So, I did not weigh myself until I had my 2 wk ck up. It was a blessing! Because now that I am 299 I weigh EVERY MORNING! That causes some stress because I want that scale to move EVERY day, and it doesn't! Be prepared to have plateaus! My husband tells me "Don't worry about the has no choice but to come off eventially!" I think that is good advice. Take care & Don't worry!
   — Janice K.

July 11, 2000
Five pounds the first week will translate to 20 pounds the first month. Hardly insignificant. And as everyone else wrote, you gained some weight in the hospital. Don't sweat it. How many diets have you been on that allow that kind of weight loss?
   — Duffy H.

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