Has anyone had itching post op? I have had itching with welts and hives all over..
— [Anonymous] (posted on February 13, 2000)
February 13, 2000
YOU TOO? I have experienced severe itching with hives on my legs,
especially on the front of the bottom section. I have also had some acne
concerns with hitching on my chest and back. I started some benedryl along
with Aveeno lotiion and now after about 3 weeks, it is much better. Not
for sure what caused it but it is under control. If you find a cause,
please share it with me.
— Kimberly R.
February 13, 2000
When I had a C-section in 1996 and they gave me morphine, I itched so bad I
thought I would flay myself alive! Not even Benedryl helped. I was told by
the anesthesiologist that morphine can cause severe itching in some people.
I also had morphine for my WLS, and I itched a bit, but nothing like
before! Sounds like you might be one of the "itchy morphine
people." However, if Benedryl isn't helping you should mention this to
your doctor.
— Morgan B.
February 13, 2000
I had the itching and thought I would just go over the edge. I called my
doctor's office and was told to use Nutrogena Sesame Body Oil. I went
right out and purchased it at Wal-Mart. I used it after showering and
never itched again. I was told the itching was due to the lack of some
nutrients and the rapid weight loss. Try the Sesame Oil and see if it
works for you. Good luck.
— Renee C.
February 13, 2000
YES yes yes yes!!! I itched for the 14 days after my surgery until I went
back to have My staples removed. I had to stop pain meds, and antibiotics
because they could not keep the hives and itching under control. I thought
I was going to loose what little mind I have left. I got benadryl shots at
the emergency room twice. I took antihistimines for 14 days 4 times per
day and still wanted to crawl out of my skin! Within 24 hours of the
staples being removed the hives were gone and so was the horrible itching.
I guess next time I have surgery I will have to make sure they use sutures
and not staples.LOL
Cool baths did help some and lotion helped for a few minutes just not very
long. I scratched the skin off of my back with the back scratcher.
Good luck. I truly sympathize with you.
— Cheri H.
February 13, 2000
Regarding itching! YES i am itching all over too, especially when i get
cold. It is an allergic reaction to something. Mine is to plasma which i
had to have for my surgery. It is driving me crazy!! My hands are so dry
from it too. My surgeon suggested i go to an internist or a dermatologist
so i am going to try that.
Good luck with yours!
Diana G.
— Diana G.
February 13, 2000
Yeah, I had itching too. About a week post op, my inner thighs were
like crazy, I never saw a rash or whelps. I applied lotion
which burned since I'd scratched my legs raw in some places.
I don't know why. I'm a month post op now and have no problems.
I put Nutragena body lotion on all over after showering. It seems
to help with the dry skin. If you're on any new medicines, I'd
be afraid you were having an allergic reaction to them. Mine disappeared
on it's own. Good luck Lou Ann
— Lou Ann J.
February 14, 2000
I've been in "itch agony" since my WLS surgery on 12-01. I have
tried everything (calamine, aveeno, benedryl, even ice). I have a constant
rash on my neck, on my arms and most of it is all around my legs between my
knees and my ankles. I even have areas that feel like orange peel. My
doctor says that I'm having a allergic reaction to morphine; however, I'm
really sick of it happening every day. It won't clear up and it's been
over 2 months. I find that it reacts alot more to heat also. Is anyone
having this problem for months also?? If anyone has a cure, please
forward it! Thanks
— Peri B.
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