Will a burn hospital do the pann. in exchange for the skin donated?

   — [Anonymous] (posted on July 2, 1999)

July 2, 1999
No. this question floated around the OSSG list for a while. Burn units get all the transplant skin they need from cadavers (ewwww). Sorry. Susan [email protected]
   — Susan C.

July 2, 1999
Some do some don't, you just have to call them and ask!
   — Christine N.

July 5, 1999
I don't know if all Burn hospitals will ... however Jackson Memorial in Miami did work out a deal with a fellow in our post-op support group who had a LOT of excess skin everywhere ... I don't know full details but if he paid anything it was minimal compared to the normal costs because there was so much skin to donate ... It's been suggested to me that I attempt to do the same when I am ready (although I'm not in FL anymore now) It never hurts to ask! Check with your local Burn hospital and see what they have to say!
   — Sherrie G.

July 16, 1999
Unfortunatley, they will not. I personally ask the Burn Institute here on houston, which is one of the biggest in North America. They say that it costs to much what with the surgery, recovery, hospital stay. All of this isn't necessary when they can get it from cadavers for free.
   — Donna D.

January 9, 2000
My cousin had a tummy tuck 2 years after her surgery. She called around to get info on it, but was told that they have ways of generating new skin in labs now a lot cheaper than paying for a major surgery and hospital stay. You can always give it a try, though.
   — Amanda B.

October 16, 2003
I heard about donating your skin to a burn victim and in exchange getting surgery for free so I asked my Dr about it and he said its an internet rumor thats been floating around for a long time. He said they use to use cadavers but now its much easier and cost effective to use synthetic skin (manmade skin) and there are less complications. Good luck to all that have had WLS! :-)
   — RaMona ForMyEyesOnly

March 22, 2005
I called the North Carolina burn center and it told me it was only a rumor. They do not pay and you can not get a reduction in the cost of skin removal. It was a hoax.You may donate your skin if removed to red cross for no compensation though they told me.
   — anewme20032000

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