I would like to get some information on VBG in teenage years....

Have there been any cases in which a doctor has done this surgery on a child as young as 15 years of age? Any information is greatly appreciated.    — Patti W. (posted on April 30, 1999)

April 30, 1999
Our doctor has done several kids under 16. Do email me for details!
   — vitalady

April 30, 1999
I have heard of some teenage children that have had the surgery. PBS or some show called "health diary" did a story of a 15 year old boy who did quite well. I would put health diary in the search engine. There are lists that put you in touch with people who know a lot of things about the surgery. Go to and put in "ossg" and you will find groups to help.
   — JAN C.

April 30, 1999
The only thing I know about this is that the doctor I went to said he did gastric bypass on children as young as 10 years of age (if they met the criteria of course). Not sure about the VBG part of it. My daughter had RNY done at 16 yrs of age. She is doing fine and looks great! Not sure if that was what you wanted to know. Hope it helps.
   — Peggy W.

April 30, 1999
Here in Brazil I have heard about some teenagers that, after a deeply medical discussion, doctors arrived at a consensus that, in those specific cases, the surgery will bring benefits to the children. The criterions for the surgery were excessive weight that was causing a block, a stop in growth, damaging and deforming joints, bones or that could represent a risk of death. I know that all the staff was involved, with all kinds of sp[ecific avalations in order to take this decision, my Doctor made the surgery in a child of 13 y.o. There are some surgeons here in Brazil tht refuse to do it in teenagers, but this staff is very serious and they work with morbid obeses in Universidade de Sao Paulo, the most considered in Brazil. If you need more informations, please send me a E-mail Melany Yoseff Torres, M.D.(I am a patient also, I had my surgery made 17 days ago) [email protected]
   — Melany T.

April 30, 1999
I'Ve heard of a sixteen year old and someone on one of the lists was 17 when she had her's done. Every dr. is probably different.
   — ellen R.

April 30, 1999
i had my fobi pouch for my 19h birthday present...i'm doing very well...dr.fobi has done people as young as 10 years if you would like more info... [email protected]
   — michelle N.

May 1, 1999
I would love to talk to you about this-I don't recommend the VBG e-mail me at [email protected] and I will tell you why. They do this surgery on teens as well, at least my doc did. The VBG can be out eaten so I caution against it-unless serious modifications are made and often they are not-one can out eat the VBG. You may want to check into the RNY or the D/S duodenal switch-that is what I had and I have lost 193 lbs and maintained it for the past 10 months. Good luck Allison
   — Allison Mupas

May 1, 1999
Before you make your decision think about having the RNY instead. Do a lot of research before you decide. I am going to have conversion surgery in the near future. I wasn't successful with the band, and the RNY has a much higher success rate. The RNY can be done on younger patients (in their teens), but I'm not sure about the VBG. Good luck to you.
   — Peggy51

May 12, 1999
I am on a support group thru called VBG and there is someone on there who had it done at 17. Most Dr.s will evaluate you on a individual basis. It is definitely worth a consult with a Dr. as the teen ager may very well be a candidate.I know it has been done on a child as young as 12 is severe cases.
   — Donna D.

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