Is anyone out there doing pilates or at least tried it post-op?

I have heard so many great things about pilates I am interested in trying it, but really do not know anyone who has done it. Any information would be appreciated.    — pumpkelina (posted on July 25, 2005)

July 25, 2005
Christine, I see that you are just a month post-op. Before you start Pilates or any exercise program, check with your doc. That said, I have NOT had WLS. But I did take Pilates for about two months in the fall because I, too, was curious about it. I feel that it helped make me a little more flexible and helped strengthen my abs. But Pilates is not aerobic, and being the cardio freak that I am, I abandoned Pilates so I could devote more time to step aerobics, walking and the elliptical glider. Kasey 365/220/195
   — Kasey

July 25, 2005
I am almost 2 years post-op and I include pilates in my regualar workout of cardio and weights. Always check with your physician before starting any exercise regime.
   — Jadyn

July 25, 2005
I use pilates every day... I started doing Pilates after my 1 month check out and I'm currently 6 weeks post op
   — mzb2u

July 25, 2005
I do pilates, I think its great! I went and joined a gym at exactly 6 weeks out with the consent of my doctor. When I joined, I signed up for several sessions with a trainer. That was the best idea I had. Being that I hadn't been in a gym in eons, my trainer was right there to show me what to do and not do. Also having a trainer made me feel less self conscious and more apt to try things I wouldn't try on my own. I love my trainer, she has incorporated pilates into my work out as well as kick boxing, weight training, cardio and endurance work. She is very in tune with my needs as a post op wls patient. I suggest meeting with a trainer before joining any sort of classes just so you don't hurt yourself.
   — JustSteph

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