Does anyone know if Kaiser covers arm and thigh lifts after dramatic weight loss

I've lost 142 lbs so fat and am facing the prospects of needing the lifts. Any information would be helpful.    — BJ R. (posted on July 19, 2005)

July 19, 2005

   — Kasey

July 20, 2005
As of January 1 of this year all Kaiser plans will have a new clause in them upon renewal. It is an exclusion for any plastic surgery due to bariatric surgery. I discussed it with my Wt Mgt Specialist at Kaiser and she said that even if it is medically necessary (infections, circulation issues, fungal infections, etc) it IS NOT COVERED. There is no way around this. I am in the same boat, but luckily my boyfriend's insurance will cover PS if it is medically necessary. My PCP says it definately will be - so I am hoping his insurance will cover removal of my 90 yr old lady thighs.
   — sabrekittie

July 20, 2005
I don't know about a thigh lift or arms, but I had my tummy tuck at Kaiser. I am currently on a wait list for a breast reduction and removal of excess skin above the belly button. This is all covered. I didn't have to have rashes or skin infections. I would be interested to know if anyone has had arms or thighs covered by Kaiser.
   — Allison M.

July 21, 2005
It depends on the type of plan you have. Kaiser is covering my tummy tuck, breast augmentation and thighs and arms.
   — emcfadden

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