Has anyone followed the pre-op cleansing after post-op to jump start weightloss?
I wanted to know could you do the pre-op surgery procedure to cleanse the body out? You know like liquids, the enema or whatever your pre-op was the day before surgery. I just know I have a lot of stuff in there that would probably rid me of about 5-8 pounds I am sure if not more. — twin94 (posted on June 1, 2005)
June 1, 2005
I have never figured out why someone would want to do this. By doing this
you are taking away essential fluids that your body needs to process your
bodily wastes. Once you start drinking and eating again that "supposed
weight loss" will come right back. It is a false loss in my opinion.
— ChristineB
June 1, 2005
In general, this smacks of self-abuse. This is what anorexics do to
themselves to lose as much weight as possible. Please do not do this to
yourself-- it's not healthy if done on a continual basis. One time before
surgery is fine but it's really not the way to go after your surgery. Is
doing that to yourself really worth a few numbers on a scale? I'm not
bashing you, but this is not a good way to lose weight.
— lizinPA
June 1, 2005
Yes, I've been on the 10 day pre-op liquid diet and I've lost 15 lbs. My
understanding of the pre-op liquid diet is to rid your body of all of it's
glycogen stores to make your surgery go easier. True, I'm really sick of
beef and chicken broth. But, you're going to have to adopt a liqiuid diet
for the first couple of weeks so it's a good way to get started. I hope
that helps.
Love & Blessings,
I'm having surgery in the morning, so keep your fingers crossed and all
prayers would also be appreciated.
— mrscarr76
June 1, 2005
I have to agree with the 2 other post ops. Doing the pre op cleanse is
just not a healthy thing to do. Now, if you are constipated or haven't had
a bm for a few days...try adding some fiber in your diet...I use Benefiber
since it doesn't get thick so I don't have to drink it quickly and with no
flavor I can mix into anything that I'm drinking. But I also have to tell
you that you truly won't lose any pounds just by having a large bm or
cleaning yourself out. I find that when I have to use a laxative, I tend
to retain water and gain instead of lose! And just out of curiosity I have
weighed before and after and while it seems like a lot of doesn't
change your weight by much at all! A better way to jump start weight loss
is by increasing your protein...or a protein chain that I've heard
about...protein drinks only (along with your water) for 3 days. Carmen
— kccjer
June 1, 2005
Trust me, you don't have to do any post-op cleansing. Your body rids itself
of everything!!!!!! After you get home you will have lots of gas and about
a weeks worth of diarhea that creeps up on you at any time. LOL
— Stormy71
June 2, 2005
Given your length of time following surgery, your question raises some
concerns as to why you want to get rid of those extra methods using a
method that is not sustainable. Typically, using enemas to rid the body of
excess weight (or resorting to various fad liquid diets) will only provide
you a very temporary loss. The key is to try to develop a new relationship
with food that will incorporate high protein, lower carbs and overall
healthy food choices. If you feel you've fallen off the wagon, or feel you
are stuck on a plateau, then consider greatly reducing carbs (to below 40
grams) and increasing protein (to above 80 grams) for a few days-- this has
always worked for me. Good luck.
— SteveColarossi
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