Help for Low Income Patients

Dr. I am in Alexandria LA. I am 22. I weight 378. Co Morbidites run in my family. I am extremely low income. I have been trying to get medicaid to get the surgery but have been denied medicaid. I've tried to diet since I was early teens. I'm afraid I will die every day. Is there any surgeons that you know that offer their services as charity for cases such as mine. I would do anything for the surgery. I just don't want to die before i've really had a chance to live. If you have any answers please email [email protected]    — Navada L. (posted on February 13, 2005)

February 14, 2005
I don't have an answer for you but just wanted to know that I will be thinking about you and hoping you find your answer. Good luck to you!
   — rinnchris

February 15, 2005
(((Linda))) The only thing I can think of is to contact all the local doctors' offices (and not so local) and ask if they have any programs such as you describe, or if they know of any. If anyone would know, they would. You should also post this on the Louisiana board, if you haven't already. That's a great networking source. Best of luck with this.
   — Jeanie

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