Has anyone developed problems with appetite after being long-term post-op?

I was 2 years post-op this past October. I feel like my tastes have changed as they do with elderly people. I can eat sweets and salty snacks, but most healthy foods are very unappealing to me. When I go to the grocery store, I don't seem to be able to find anything that I really want to eat. I do crave fruits, but meats just hold no appeal for me anymore. Is this a common problem with other post-opers or is it just me????    — SnowWhiteDove459 (posted on December 31, 2004)

December 31, 2004
Sometimes when our wants outweigh what we know we should be doing, you just have to go on autopilot for a while. Sit down and plan a meal list for a couple of weeks and go to the store and get the things just for that list. Get your feelings, wants and desires out of the matrix and try a planned menu for a couple of weeks.
   — Cathy S.

January 1, 2005
Yes. The 2 year wall. Join others of us who had the painful experience of finding that we wanted food again! LOL! I never even CARED about sugar pre-op. It hit me about 20 months out. I know now I was not getting enough protein, along with the normal progression of life after WLS. WE just need to stay involved in a community of long term people to help cope with the reality of life.
   — vitalady

January 1, 2005
I'm just 15 months post op and already experiencing the same thing. I don't want any particular thing, just cannot get too excited about eating more protein. I have had a houseful of people here this week but they're all leaving tomorrow so tomorrow I'm planning to start tracking my food and liquid intake for a few days just to see how I'm doing. I'm almost sure I'm not getting enough protein since most forms of it are unappetizing at this point. Fortunately I'm not craving any particular thing so I haven't had to fight that battle yet.
   — scbabe

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