I'm 5'8, 220lbs and I have bad back pain, do you think I can qualify?

   — Alicia P. (posted on December 28, 2004)

December 28, 2004
Hi, If you have had back pain for years and it has been doctor documented and it is caused by you being overweight, then I see no reason why you would not qualify for surgery. In my case I have a bad back but also high blood pressure and high cholesteral so it put me on the danger list of a stroke or a heart attack so I got approved pretty quick. Check with your insurance and talk with your pcp that way you know what qualifications you need. Good Luck on your journey.
   — julez

December 28, 2004
bad back pain alone is not a comorb. A comorb is an illness that is life threatening caused by your obesity. I could be wrong but i don't think you would qualify. Good luck.
   — Delores S.

December 28, 2004
I don't think you'll qualify. You are in the obese category. Most docs & insurances require a minimum of 100 lbs overweight without co-morbs. With co-morbs you can weigh less, but it is harder to get approved. Good luck.
   — Dedicated

December 28, 2004
The Federal regulations require at least a 35 BMI. Your profile indicates yours is in the 32 range. So there is no legitimate doctor that would do surgery on you. Even if your BMI is a 35 they would not do surgery because it requires life threatening type illnesses to qualify for surgery under a 40 BMI, and back pain has an extremely low chance of qualifying. Things like type 2 Diabetes that cannot be controlled; severe sleep apnea etc. At 5'8 and 220 lbs your back problems, just from the excess weight, should not be such a major issue. Have you had your back thoroughly checked out, by a neurologist, to make sure there are not some disc problems etc? Have you had an MRI? I have severe degenerative disc disease in 4 vertebra but for the most part the symptoms have been reasonably controlled with various treatments. Since reaching goal my back problems are non-issues. Although for me it was the PS that got rid of the excess skin and tightened the abdominal muscles that helped the most. It would seem that there is something way more than excess weight going on with your back. Granted I am not a doctor and I have not seen you, just going by my gut reaction. I am 5'9 and started at 442 lbs and now hang in the mid to high 190's. I cannot even fathom seeking something as drastic as WLS at 5'8 and 220 lbs. Sorry, but that's just my feelings. I hope you figure out what is wrong with your back and can get some relief. Then maybe you will be able to increase exercise to help you lose some weight. Good Luck!
   — zoedogcbr

December 28, 2004
the OH bmi calculater puts you at 33.5. I think you should talk to your doctor and see what they think. I honestly wish I could have had surgery when my bmi was in the 33 range. Lord know I only went up from there.
   — **willow**

December 29, 2004
   — carolyn W.

December 29, 2004
I am 5 foot 6 and 214 pounds and I FEEL FABULOUS!!! I have lost 150 pounds. I truly beleive that at your (our) weight, it is time to diet and exercise. This surgery should be reserved for those who are passed the point of no return - not passed the point of "I just dont wanna diet and exercise and take off 40 pounds!" Hop on it, girlfriend and get that weight off before you end up being morbidly obese. My advise is to count your blessings now and get your butt in gear! Signed, Kimberly - the woman who is jumpin for joy to be wearing a size 16!!!!
   — MissKimberly

December 30, 2004
While I am trying to remain supportive and kind. . . 5'8" and 220 pounds. God, that is my GOAL weight. If I weighed that I would be so thrilled. I am two weeks (plus a few days) post op and when I see people who are less than 100 pounds over their ideal weight I think to myself. . ."if ONLY that few pounds was my problem." I am not scoffing at your problems. I truly believe that being overweight is an emotionally and physically hard thing to live and cope with. I don't know how significant your back problems are but, at only 220, I would start with going to a doctor and having your back checked out and go from there. But, personally, at this point I think if you are still able to function and at least do some non weight bearing exercise, you shoould do that.
   — Monica L.

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