How long is it before I can go up and down stairs after TT?

I am going to have to stay with a friend until I can do the up and down stairs thing. Has anyone else had stairs to deal with and how long was it until they could go up and down even slowly. Please help me so I can figure how long I need to wait before I can go back to my home after surgery    — Linda H. (posted on October 7, 2004)

October 7, 2004
Linda, I went home 5 days after my hernia repair/abdominoplasty. I had a 21 inch incision horizontally and an 18 inch incision vertically - making a great big T on my tummy - over 100 staples. My bedroom was up 24 steps. And that's where I went straight to when I got home. Yes, I went VERY slowly, and with my husband close by to help keep me steady, but I did it. I was up to doing the stairs by myself within a couple of days, and by a week after getting home, felt very comfortable doing most basic stuff at home alone. My surgeons (general surgeon and plastic surgeon) felt that there was nothing wrong with me doing the stairs, and in fact, urged me to try and walk a mile a day as soon as I possibly could - which was on about a week after my surgery. Hope that helps. Blessings, dina
   — Dina McBride

October 7, 2004
I have steps into the house - total of 7. I had to go slow and I was pretty bent over, but I got there! I really didn't have too much trouble going up and down steps from the start. Having a handrail helped. I would go downstairs and iron a couple of shirts, rest, and iron some more. There was only so much TV I could watch before I got bored just sitting around stoned on pain pills. It all depends on how YOU feel, since everyone tolerates the surgery they have differently. Good luck!
   — koogy

October 7, 2004
I had a full body lift 3 1/2 weeks ago. Incision completely around my body and arm lift too. I did it out patient, ie. surgery at 8 am, 3 hours in surgery, 4 in recovery and home by 4 pm. I walked up the stairs that day and while I was not winning any races I made it and it felt great to get in my own bed with my own pillows and no roomate ex. my husband who chose to sleep on the couch out of concern for my comfort. I credit getting up and moving with my very fast recovery, I was walking several blocks a day thae first week, 1/2 mile twice a day the second week and am up to 2 miles once a day now. I am fairly wimpy. but highly motivated to be healthy and recover fast. I feel almost back to normal. And I must say I think I look fabulous (is it ok to say that?) and my husband had quite the twinkle in his eye when he saw my new & improved tummy and butt. Good luck & enjoy the results!
   — **willow**

October 7, 2004
I walked up my stairs (full flight) when I got home after my TT. I have handrails on both sides which were helpful. I managed to get upstairs ok, but stayed there for a few days before venturing downstairs at all. My husband was like a private duty nurse. I am still amazed!!!!
   — Fixnmyself

October 9, 2004
I was able to do it the same day I had it. I was just very hunched over for quite a while. But, I live in a split level house so there are lots of stairs and no bathroom on the main I had quite a lot of stairs to do! I was ok.
   — emilyfink

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