Why am I retaining so much fluid and take Demadex(20-40mg) per day?

I am constantly retaining fluid in my feet and ankles. I take Demadex everyday anywhere from 20-40mg per day. When I take 40 mg I start to get dizzy but it pulls the fluid off so much better. I do not eat a lot of salt but I do not drink a lot of pure water either. Can someone explain?    — twin94 (posted on August 3, 2004)

August 3, 2004
The more water you drink the LESS water your body will hold. When you are not drinking water your body thinks that it is not going to get any water so it holds onto every bit of fluid that you take in. I take a diuretic on a daily basis myself because of feet and ankle swelling also. Do you take potassium pills? They replenish what the diuretics take off. Please try to drink more water... the more you drink the LESS swelling you have... and you have to do this ALL the time! God Bless you in your Journey!
   — pennix122

August 3, 2004
   — kit K.

August 3, 2004
I agree with both previous posts. Have your electrolytes checked out since they may be causing you to become dizzy and very importantly drink, drink, drink water! Drinking water helps clean out your system. Good luck.
   — Laural D.

August 4, 2004
I've found that my B-complex vitamin makes me retain water. When I stop taking it, I am fine. Don't have another solution yet though.
   — joeandteri

August 5, 2004
If I overdo it with carbs, I retain fluids like nobody's business. I agree with the others, though, getting your electolytes checked would be a good idea, then look at what you are eating. Check with your doctor, too. Sometimes your body can kind of 'get used to' a medication. I still take hydrochlorthiazide 12.5mg every day, even though my B/P is fine without it, because now my hands and feet swell if I don't take it!
   — koogy

August 5, 2004
OK. I have the same problem with the swelling in my feet and ankles. I was taking Lasix for a while then it quit working unless I took lots of it and then I felt dizzy and awful too. I talked to my doctor. They changed my water pill to Bumex. The doctor told me that sometimes your body can get too used to the same medicine so it will not be as effective. The new medicine worked like a dream. But now after almost a year I am starting to have the same problems again. I guess I need to talk to my doc. Hope this helps.
   — Julie G.

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