I took 80mg of lasix and it does not seem to be working

A few years ago I took lasix once or twice and I ran to the bathroom. I am now 15 months post-op and I took 80mg of lasix at about 6:15 a.m.and I have only gone one time to the bathroom in 4 hours. Why wouldn't it work now? My ankles are swollen all the time also.    — twin94 (posted on June 17, 2004)

June 17, 2004
How much "salt" are you using? My PCP told me that when you eat salt and take diuretics they do not work. Maybe that is the reason... God Bless you in your journey.
   — pennix122

June 17, 2004
If you are anemic, it might cause lazix not to work. This is'nt related to wls, but a few years ago my Mom was dying from congestive heart failure. She put on 50-60 pounds of fluid that started at the ankles and went up to her stomach. 80 mgs of lazix was'nt doing anything. Come to find out her blood count was down to 14! (Should be around 38-40. When you are down to 26 it's blood transfusion time!). Anyway, the ER tested and found it was 14 and put her on four units of blood. THE LAZIX THEN WORKED. She peed out 50 lbs of fluid in a few days. Anyway, PERHAPS you have a low blood count? Just a thought.
   — Danmark

June 17, 2004
I had to stop using Lasix also. My doctor changed mine to Bumex and it works like a charm. Ask about it.
   — CAMFR

June 18, 2004
You don't mention in your question as to why you're taking the Lasix. If your physician has you on it, you need to check with him/her and let them know it's not working. There are other drugs you can take but the most important thing is to find out why you're swelling (if you are). Good luck.
   — Katherine F.

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