Brachioplasty/arm lift...where are the drains placed?

I am having brachioplasty first part of May, just curious as to where the drains are placed. Thanks...    — Wendy G. (posted on April 21, 2004)

April 21, 2004
Hi, I had my brachioplasty on February 19th and I did not have any drains at all. The PS cut from the elbow to the armpit and so far so good. I had the breast lift done at the same time and he didn't use any drains for that either.
   — Carla B.

April 21, 2004
You might review your procedure with your surgeon so that you'll know exactly what to expect....different surgeons have different approaches. My plastic surgeon didn't use any drains at all with my brachioplasty, and also didn't prescribe any compression garments post-op. I couldn't be happier with my wishes with your surgery!
   — Diana T.

April 21, 2004
I had my brachioplasty and excess skin at bra line removed on March 1, 2004. I had four drains. Two were at the end of my breasts under my arms and two were in my armpits. I had a hard time with fluid and seromas from my thigh lift, so maybe that's why I had so many. The drains were removed after three days.
   — Lisa N M.

April 21, 2004
I had a modified brachioplasty. My incisions were under the armpit, with a slight incision about 2 inches down the inside of my arm. I had one drain in my left arm (the bad arm) and nothing in the other. The drain was only in overnight. My PS thought the arm was going to drain more but it didn't. Otherwise, I really didn't need any drains at all. He said some people need them, others don't.
   — Patty H.

April 22, 2004
As stated below, you should discuss the procedure with your surgoen because they are all different. I had bracheoplasty in February and my experience was different than the ones listed below. I woke up in recovery with compression bandages and drains for both arms. I had a problem with a fluid build up behind the skin during a previous surgery, and the surgeon felt I needed the drains. They came out near my elbow, and had bulbs at the end that would fill with the fluid that came from my arms. I emptied the bulbs several times daily. I had the bandages and drains removed after two days, in the doctor's office. I continued to wear ace bandages on my arms for another week, just because the incision felt more supported when I wore them.
   — Jenny S.

April 27, 2004
Mine were in the arm pit area, which really didn't make sense to me, being that while in the hospital, you're on your back most of the time...once you stand up, gravity would pull that fluid down your arm..which, happened in my case. The drains in my arm pits came out the day after surgery. It would make more sense to have them come out by the elbow. I am now 6 weeks out and have seromas in both arms by my elbows. When I go in to surgery again next Monday to remove the seromas, I'll bet I wake up with drains coming out by my elbows this time.
   — missesrita

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