Fun Magical Moment to Share

Today I was at the mall and I walked by Lane Bryant. There was a huge sale going on, 80% off tons of stuff in the store. I found myself excited, all ready to shop. I walked inside, stopped, looked around, and then it hit me...I CAN'T shop there anymore! My fiance and I paused to laugh aloud. We must've looked like loons. But we didn't pause there for long. I rushed away and bought a pair of size 12 pants from Banana Republic, a sweater from the Gap, and some frilly panties from Victoria Secret. It was one of the funnest shopping days of my life. Only four and a half months out and BYE BYE to Lane Bryant. Hooray! Do you have any magic moments to share. I just love hearing them! Keeps me motivated! XOXO Jen    — jenpatalano (posted on January 18, 2004)

January 18, 2004
Oh Jen, what a wonderfully fun experience for you. Thanks for sharing it with us. I had glamour shots done with my husband this weekend. In one he had on a white button down shirt and he looked so sexy. I had them take a couple of shots of him by himself so I'd have a good picture for my desk at work. Then, the lady taking pictures said - why don't we put the white boa on you and take some shots of you together. I said "It won't match what I'm wearing". She said I didn't need for it to match my outfit because they were just going to pull my bra straps down and drape the boa around me. I was horrified because I never want to show these "football player" shoulders and batwings. Everyone in the room kept saying "Do it - Do it!" (It was a WLS support group event and lots of our patients were having glamour shots done) So I finally agreed and we had some pictures made like that. Once the pictures were finished I turned around and looked at Wade and put my hand on his chest and he looked down at me and we both laughed. The photographer snapped a picture at that moment. When we looked at the proofs that one was awesome. I felt pretty - no batwings or wide shoulders - and if you look at the expressions on our faces I think it's easy to see that even after 22 years together we're still in love. It was like magic. I'd never felt pretty in that way before and I'll remember it forever. Best wishes to you!
   — ronascott

January 18, 2004
I just love hearing stories like this! To hear of the new lives people are experiencing just motivates me to the max. ;) Buying clothes is sooooo much fun now - in fact, it's WAY more fun than I can afford! I have a fun story to contribute too. I had my RNY last May 23rd, have lost 100 pounds. I'm only 10 pounds from goal now, which is really exciting. One of the things I've really enjoyed is being able to wear a regular pair of jeans again instead of the "stretch" ones. So my husband and I were shopping the other day and were looking at my favorite jeans - Levi's. I held up a couple of pair and said I was going to try them on, but my husband said they were going to be way too big (they were 9/10's and 11/12's, which I was wearing up until a month ago). I said I couldn't fit into anything smaller and we had a debate over what size was appropriate! To humor him, I finally agreed to try on a size 7/8, and just for fun I took a size 5/6 along with me. Well wouldn't you know ... the 7/8 fit PERFECTLY, even a little loose! And even though the 5/6 were a little snug, I could still pull them all the way on AND zip and button them without having to suck in my gut and feel like I was strangling! It was amazing! I ended up buying BOTH pair so I could wear the 7/8 now and the 5/6 in another month (I've been losing about 10-15 pounds a month so I should be at goal by the end of February ... YES!!!!). This new life is such a miracle and I still can't believe I actually made it. I was thin most of my life until I had kids ... I never knew until now how much I took for granted being a thin person. It is wonderful to get a second chance! MORE STORIES PLEASE! Jody :) Open RNY 5/23/03 235/135/125
   — MomBear2Cubs

January 18, 2004
This is really fun... ok, I think the moment I put on a pair of size 6 jeans and they fit... that was the moment for me, even though I'm still 15 pounds from my personal goal. That makes me realize that I may be in a 4 by then! You know I don't see too many size 4's but I'm determined to look for them. This has been the most exciting journey, and having you all to share it with has made it even more exciting and wonderful. Thanks for sharing your experience with us and letting us share as well! Be blessed! Lisa A Lap RNY 5/13/03 291/166/150
   — Happy I.

January 18, 2004
I put on my wedding dress!!! I am now more than 10 pounds less than i was when I wore it 14 years ago. I never thought that would ever happen. I have had the lane Bryant experience, too. I go in with my friend, and still shop with her so as not to flaunt my success, helping her make decisions for herself. I just look at the accessories while she's online. I never thought I'd get to the point that I COULDN'T shop somewhere because of size not price!! I can shop in the regular stores on the sale rack. I can look through the racks or ask for a size 6 or 8 or a medium and no one looks at me like I'm not supposed to be there in the store. I now sit in the movies with my pocketbook on the seat next to me. Wow!! Room to spare! Funny thing is that some of these things just happen so casually without planning, and then out of the blue it hits me that I never could have done it pre-op. There are even times that I can share sweats with my 11 year old son---how about that!!But the most interesting thing is how I am treated---much nicer, with more repect. People seem more polite, and just treat me like I'm "someone". Talk about an awakening. I never realized that this was happeeeening til I began to notice the difference when most of my weight was off. Life is wonderful!!!
   — Fixnmyself

January 18, 2004
I had an open rny 12/23/02, last August I put my wedding dress on and it was too big! I was married 30 years in November! I was shocked! I am so happy for you...keep up the good work. I am amazed now when I sit down in chairs with arms at the doctors office, hairdressers etc. I couldnt even fit before now I have lots of room! Best wishes to you!
   — debmi

January 19, 2004
My most fun moment so far happened this weekend. I sat in a regular chair with my little 4 year old grandson beside me. Before, I didn't even fit comfortably in the chair by myself. I heard him telling someone at church yesterday, "That's my nana and she's gettin skinnier" What a treat!
   —  SCbabe B.

January 19, 2004
I related so well to your experience. I receive many catalogues ie Romans, Lane Bryant, Silouttes. All were so needed in the past. For me 11 months ago prior to surgery it was extremely difficult to go to a store and shop. Shopping at home with a cataglogue, not having to walk into a mall (walking was so difficult) was the best. Now, I cannot wait to shop in the mall. I practically run through it and yes I too have passed Lane Bryant and it has been the dream for so many years not to have to shop in any of those stores and it has come true. I throw the catalogues away immediately. I don't have to limit my shopping to just a few stores. I am free and able to shop anywhere I want to.. Boy do I understand your joy lol. Congrats
   — MaxineB

January 19, 2004
I have had several magical moments from being able to buy a pretty frilly bra to a thong and not worrying about it disappearing, being able to wear my letterman's jacket from high school, to being able to practice softball with my kids. But I think the biggest kick I got was the other day when I tried on a pair of my husband's levi's and they FIT!!!! :oD I was jumping around the room like a lunatic. He was asleep and he woke up and asked me what was going on. I told him and then he proceeds to tell me to get his D#@*! jeans Then I had to wear his belt yesterday with some jeans that were too big. He asked me what was next, his underwear? I told him, no, I liked pretty It was classic. I never thought in my entire life that that would happen. I love it!!!!! :o)
   — dixieb

January 19, 2004
Oh, I remember how every little accomplishment was such a major event for me - My surgery was 16 months ago and I went from a size 24 to a size 2. Shopping is now a whole lot more fun. My biggest moments were buying regular sized pantyhose, not going into the plus sizes, and wrapping a regular sized towel around me and actually covering everything up for the first time in my life!!!!!! The funniest was several months back when I was buying a pair of Levi's - I was mostly in a size 14, but decided to try on a size 12. It was too big, so I asked my husband for a size 10. I guess he got worried when I didn't come out for a long time and finally knocked on the door. I was on my cell phone calling everyone I knew to tell them I had a pair of size 10 Levi's on!!!!! I still have days that I'm amazed - caught a glimpse of myself the other day and didn't realize it was me. My first thought was, "I wish I was as skinny as that girl." Then I realized 'that girl' was ME!!!!! Talk about amazing!!!! Good luck and keep up the good work!!!!!!! Open RNY 9/12/02 282/118
   — redheadtedd

January 19, 2004
Don't you love it!?!?! Here's mine....Last November (2002) I was shopping in a local mall and I walked into the Casual Corner store, and attached was there plus-size "sister" store August Max. Well, I was looking around in CC, and then saw a scarf in August Max that I liked and walked in. The sales lady looked at me and said "Honey, nothing in here will fit you, it's a plus size store, unless your shopping for someone else." I looked at her, then looked behind me to see who she was talking to, and it dawned on me that she was talking to ME. I just said "Oh, I was just looking at the scarves" and she smiled and walked away. I think the smile on my face after I figured out it was me she was talking to didn't go away for about 2 weeks. It was great!
   — lily1968

January 19, 2004
There are already lots of magical moments for me, and I'm only 4+ months out. The best, though, is like your story, not being able to shop in Lane Bryant anymore. I'm amazed that I can now wear "regular" sizes! I just went under 200 pounds for the first time in 25 years, and it's an incredible feeling. I never thought my weight would get this low again! It was fun the first time I went shopping after having lost a good bit of weight. I didn't have to shop right away because 2 friends of mine who are post-ops gave me a bunch of clothes and I wore them for a while before shopping. Anyway, I went into Fashion Bug, and went to the plus size side of the store, and started trying on some sweaters and pants. Everything I picked at first was too big, and I just couldn't believe that I was wearing a 14/16 from Fashion Bug! This is such a great time in my life - thanks all for sharing your stories, and for the original poster. These are so motivating! Lap RNY, 9/11/03, 254/192/???
   — Carlita

January 19, 2004
These are great to remember and appreciate! I remember sitting in the recliner and realize the dog was sitting beside me and not on me - for the first time there was extra room in the chair. Another one was wearing one of my husbands sweatshirts (they now fit me) and my son saying "that shirt must be daddy's because it's too big for you". I am ready for many more of these moments!
   — Laura B.

January 19, 2004
Since I was 11 years old, I wanted a pair of tall leather black boots that go all the way up to my knees and zips. My mom always told me I couldn't get any because of the size of my calves. Well, I wore a pair to church yesterday that I bought last weekend. What a feeling to have something I have wanted for 38 years! And not only that -- they look GOOD on me! And just for fun, after I got home, (I wore nearly black nylons with them) I took off my skirt and put on spandex workout shorts and pulled them way up like 'hot pants' and strutted out in front of my husband. He laughed because this was so out of character for me, but after that, the look on his face was classic!!! After a few suggestive remarks, he gave me a big hug and told me how proud he is of me. I am having the time of my life! (206/129/110)
   — pjnick

January 19, 2004
my husband open me an account at lane bryant several years ago, and a few months ago he called them and closed it. they ask him why and he told the lady on the phone,"my wife isnt fat anymore," she was silent for a few moments and the burst out laughing, just on of my fun moments since WLS.
   — terri R.

January 19, 2004
I think the best moment for me was when I was out riding my horse. It had just snowed and she still had her metal shoes on. SO when we got to pavement to ride, a couple of us got off our horses to get the packed snow out of the hooves. Well, it dawned on me that I wouldn't be able to get back up because the saddle would slide all the way and I would be embarrassed. SO I looked for a hill to get up by and found one. Well I gave all my effort to try and get up and I almost went over the other side of the saddle. when you don't have all that weight, it is alot easier to "fly". Now I don't look for that hill and I am able to get up with alot less effort. This was definitely one of the best moments for me. 6/27/03 292/193/165
   — horserider0146

January 19, 2004
I love this question! There have been so many moments for me! Wearing knee high black boots for the first time in my life (I am 49!), buying size 4 pants, shopping at Victoria's Secret just to name a few. Probably one of the most memorable was having our first ever family portrait taken before Christmas. My children are 16 and 20 and I have been married for 26.5 years and I am no longer hiding from cameras, as a matter of fact I love them now!!! I jokingly tell my husband that it is hard to take a bad picture of me these days!! (I say jokingly, but deep inside I believe it!!) Miracles do happen! 252/122
   — sherry H.

January 20, 2004
One magical moment after another. I've finally met a wonderful man (totally magical moment) and wouldn't you know it, I'm at lunch today, waiting for my food when a different gorgeous man asked me if I'd like to join him for lunch! I was blown away and couldn't take the grin off my face when I politely declined his invitation. This kind of thing hasn't happened to me in 20 years! It's fantastic!
   — [Deactivated Member]

January 20, 2004
Great post! Two of my awesome moments are the time I was hanging out with friends and went to hop up to sit on the kitchen counter and caught so much air because I jumped with so much force, and landed with a painful thud! When I was 270 it took a good strong push to sit up there, now that I'm 128 pounds lighter I dont need all that force! But the best thing is when my sister came out from out of state to help me right after surgery in Feb 03, and left afer a week. I just picked her up at the airport last week and I said Hello to her and she looked at me with a blank stare for a couple seconds until she realized it was me! Incredible moment!
   — BRENDA R.

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