my primary physian's office had a major fire on xmas eve
does anyone know if medical records are kept in a separate office or on the computer. I am just beginning my quest for wls surgery and would hate to get a new primary. — debbie W. (posted on December 28, 2003)
December 28, 2003
i work for a doctor and we keep all records in our office. i am very sorry
to hear about this. good luck!!
— melindainfla
December 28, 2003
Debbie, Is your PCP in Central Massachusetts by any chance? If so ...
e-mail me. Lisa S
— Lisa S.
December 28, 2003
Sorry but you will probally need to get a new PCP unless your dr is going
to see patients else where I would get a letter stating that you were a
patient and have been seeing her for approximent time but do to the fire
all exact information is gone. GET THAT NOTE.
— MyWlsProgress
December 28, 2003
I know from working in Medical Records that they should be kept in fire
proof file cabinets. Hopefully they've been practicing this. Good luck.
— Pambylah
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