Should I start exercising again?

Hey all! Say, I was in the hospital about 3-1/2 weeks ago for 4 days with a serious ulcer. Since I've been home I have been on meds (down to just the Protonix now) that cause diarrhea which has left me run down and light headed a lot of the time. Anyway, since coming home and shedding my I.V. water weight, I have gained back about 3-4 pounds and seem to be maintaining that even though everything goes right through me within a couple of hours. I've also noticed that my stomach seems to be 'bloated' more than normal. Needless to say, all of this has been a bit annoying/frustrating. I am currently drinking 1-2 protien drinks a day and am on double doses of my multi-vites (4 a day), iron, and vitamin A (per my doctors orders) until my next scope...hopefully late this week or early next week. My question is: Should I start back to cardio and weight training this week even though I feel terrible (light headed and no energy)? Will this help me get some energy back or only drain the little that doesn't just 'pass right thought'? Any thoughts would be appreciated!    — eaamc (posted on December 8, 2003)

December 7, 2003
REST. rest and more rest
   — franbvan

December 8, 2003
Andrea, I would have to agree you need to rest and get feeling better...
   — hillafb U.

December 8, 2003
Doesn't sound like you're ready yet. I would rest and recouperate till it's a better time. Your body will tell you when you're ready.
   — Brenda G.

December 8, 2003
REST! a little gentle walking wouldn't hurt your body at this point, but I'd hate to see you tax and stress your body further than you need to. I'm sure the lbs are water gain, since you feel so bloated. You'll see it go away soon. Hang in there and get well soon!

December 8, 2003
A little walking and moving around to prevent blood clots is good but other than that I'd take it easy. Definitely don't do cardio - your body isn't up to it and that could actually make things worse for you. Hang in there - you'll get back to normal.
   — ronascott

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