what could be causing numbness, constipation, vomitting and extreme weight loss?

I'm 6 months post op and am experiencing numbness in my hands and face, severe constipation and abdominal pain. I can't keep hardly any food/water down. I try to drink a few ounces of sugar-free carnation instant breakfast and it's a 50/50 chance I can keep it down. I have no sensation on when I need to have a bowel movement and usually go 1x per week but it's very difficult. I'm so exhausted I'm unable to work.(blood work done and not anemic) I'm 5'5 and 108 pounds after a three day loss of 10 pounds. I've TRIED to work with my surgeon on this but he WILL NOT see me. I've tried to work with my pcp and a Gastro specialist and they've run tests and just tell me they don't know what it is and give me pain meds. I've been to the Urgent Care and they've sent me away with pain meds. Yesterday, the latest Dr. told me to go to a pain mgmt. clinic. I want to know what could be CAUSING the pain and symptoms! Does anyone have any ideas of what might be going on and what questions to ask a doctor who will deal with this situation? I'm very scared and need help!    — kristi V. (posted on October 8, 2003)

October 8, 2003
Kristi, you need to INSIST on being seen by Dr. Baker or one of his staff. I have heard such good things about his program that it suprises me that they would not see you. If you are down to 108 pounds and losing 10 pounds in three days, in addition to the pain and vomiting, there must be something going on that the other doctors are just overlooking...and you would think they would want to know what it was. If you just can't seem to get them to fit you in to the schedule, I would tell them that you will be seeking advice from another bariatric program in the area and even ask them who they would recommend. What ever you do, make sure that you get the help you need...and soon. Good luck with everything.
   — eaamc

October 8, 2003
I would get an appt with an Internist or Gastro-enterologist if the others are not helping. If they scope you, you may have a better chance or finding out what's going on. As for the consitpation, I know you can't keep anything down but have you tried fibercon or phillips? Hard stools can cause abdominal pain (as can other things).
   — M B.

October 8, 2003
I agree that you need to see an internist and you definitely need something for the constipation. Numbness can be caused by an allergic reaction to Nutrasweet. The abdominal pain and the nausea are probably caused from constipation which, by the way, is aggravated by pain medications. Do you have any idea why your surgeon won't see you? Did the gastrointeroligist do an endoscopy or a colonoscopy? These tests would rule out serious complications and could solve your problem. My surgeon stresses regular bowel movements - preferably once a day. I have diverticulosis and he has me eat prunes every day as well as eat grapenuts soaked in grape juice (not as disgusting as it says) and it works great for fiber and the grape juice is a natural laxative. He also recommends a prescription called Mira Lax for constipation and if that doesn't do the trick, he suggest about half a bottle of Magnesium Citrate to break up the impaction. I hope you get help soon - I know you must be miserable. I had severe constipation in the hospital following total knee replacement - I didn't take the stool softeners they were offering me and I was on mega doses of pain meds and the result was very bad.
   — Patty_Butler

October 8, 2003
Kristi: What you discribes sounds very serious and you have good reason to be concerned and scared. I can't imagine why they can't get to the root of your problem. When I had numbness in my hands it was because I was dehydrated and my electrolytes were off. But they've run blood tests on you so I assume they checked for that. I assume you lost 10 pounds in three days because you're throwing up and not able to eat. You might be unable to eat and get more food down because you're consipated, but I would have assumed that would have been checked in the ER or by your doctors as well. Have you tried stool softeners and/or fleet? It's not fun to get cleaned out like that but maybe it could help relieve some pain. What exactly are they prescribing the pain meds for? Because of the constipation or the throwing up or? I'd also try something other than the instant breakfast. You could be having trouble with milk? So try a protein shake with water or one of those ones that are like juice and see if that helps. If you're 108 pounds and 5'5" tall that's no doubt why you're tired and weak. That's too thin. So you may need to be given something that will cause you to put a little weight back on. You might also be tired from a low B12 level. Iron isn't the only reason to be tired. But again I would have thought those things would be checked in your blood test. If you're still not feeling better tonight go to a different ER. Maybe some other doctor might have an idea of what to check that the first ER guy didn't. If you're not dehyrated yet you will be soon if you're throwing up water. So if nothing else you should get a transfusion of liquids into you and that will likely help with how you feel. Are you nausea from eating when you do eat? Maybe you can get a suppository that will help with that and then maybe the food will stay down? I don't have any answers for you, I'm just kicking around some ideas. If you were fine for these 6 months and this a new occurance something has gone wrong I would think? I hope you can figure it out soon. Let us know. S
   — sherry hedgecock

October 8, 2003
Does your multi vite contain all the B-vites (1,2,3,6)? Have you had these levels & your B12 tested, too? The problems MIGHT be unrelated. BUT you must be seen. I'm behind you. We have to be pro-active in our care. Is there another surgeon you can see? Sounds like it is beyond ER or PCP level. Can you be referred to an internist and/or GI doc?
   — vitalady

October 8, 2003
At 5'5" and 108#, they should be doing something to find out what is going on. Do you have a gall bladder? I did a glucose tolerance test, and my blood suger bottoms out 3 1/2 hours after I eat. I get stomach pain, headaches, sweating, nervous from this. So I set a silent clock I bought over the internet every 3 hours. If I can't eat then, I stick a couple of glucose tablets in my mouth, and set the alarm for 3 more hours. I also had the same symptoms when my Potasium went too low, which can kill you. I also have to take B-12 injections weekly, for these symptoms along with the tingling in my hands and feet. You need to go to a different Weight Loss Surgeon. They would probably help you. I'm 5'6" - and got down to 118#. I was so sick. I had wonderful doctors that found my problem, and It was a different Dr. than the one that did my surgery. I also lost most of my hair then, and it was 1 year post-op. I'm back up to 140#, and I'm happy with that, But I have to make myself eat. I take two pre-natal vitamins daily, and a prescription potasuim daily. --
   — CohenHeart

October 9, 2003
Find a new doctor if the one you have will not continue to search for an answer. I'm not a doctor, nor do I play one on TV, but I have to agree with one of the previous posters about the B vitamins. I know that a deficiency of B-12 will cause neurological problems which could be a source of the numbness. And a good source of the fatigue. I was having a number of problems starting at about 6 months post op. I received some flack from my surgeon and the urgicare clinic. I couldnt find a doctor in town willing to touch me. I finally went to the clinic at the hospital. The one that uses all residents. By doing so I found that I had doctors that were not only willing to help, but were excited to help. They were newly out of school so they had new information, and were eager to learn and experience. You may try something like that. Do not give know your own body better than anyone else!
   — RebeccaP

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