has anyone had reflux after asleep 1-2 hours lying on back?

My UGI test shows no "reflux" but I sure have it. I do ok on my stomach but on my back I'm sure to get it regardless of what I eat or what time I eat before bed. My Dr. doesn"t have any ideas of why, do you?    — Pam W. (posted on October 3, 2003)

October 3, 2003
Hi Pam, I have acid reflux BAD, ever since my surgery. I thought a few times I was going to die. I actually pryaed to god let me die thats how bad it was. I takr two nexium a day, and I dont have any trouble (knock on wood) I had a breast reduction on 9/18/03 they didnt have nexium and I had the worst case of acid reflux that night talk about misrible, still out of it from anastheia and that on top of it horrible. I know what your feeling.
   — Schatzie1

October 4, 2003
Pam, I have been going thru this for 2 months. I have to have an EGD in 2 weeks. I do already take 2 Nexiums a day and they are now NOT working well. My Doc told me to prop up the bed or pillows and lay on my side and to drink Maalox...(which sits by my bed)...if I have any hint of reflux. He is waiting on the EGD before proceeding. My Doctors nurse did say I should not have reflux and something might have to be tweeked. If you are in a position to do so, maybe you should get a second opinion.
   — lyn H.

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