Why do I look so deformed????????

I had Gastric bypass almost 3 years ago. I had a full TT with Breast implants and a breast lift 7.18.03(5 days ago). My breasts are DEFORMED looking!!! They are way up high on my chest, under my armpits, they are rock hard, they are elongated, the nipples are not proportioned to the implant. My surgeon said they would "fall" into place but I cannot even IMAGINE them looking normal! I thought I would come out of surgery with nice round pretty boobs!!!! I am extremely upset about this. Thats not to mention how INCREDIBLY swollen my abdomen is. I am 3x the size I was before surgery. I am certain this will go away and I will be thrilled, but right now I am feeling quite disallusioned. Is there ANYONE out there who can give me any assurance that this is all normal???? On a good note- The pain has been quite minimal compared to all the horror stories that I have heard about this procedure! Thanks for reading    — Lauren P. (posted on July 23, 2003)

July 23, 2003
Boy do I know EXACTLY how you feel! No worries - honey. It's going to get lots better. I had to have double mastectomy 14 months ago and had a TT at the same time. My tummy was so fat when I went home that I could only wear empire waist peasant dresses for almost a month. I had my breasts reconstructed at the same time and let me tell you I would just go in the bathroom and stare and cry. They were HUGE and I think they may have even belonged to Dolly Parton at one time. I thought I looked like a freak. It took about 6-8 weeks for my tummy to really get down to normal. It took longer for my breasts (and I realize my circumstances were different from yours since I had to have mastectomy). It took several months for my breasts to "cooperate". I kept them very compressed in a spandex compression garmet for a long time and they were very hard. I'd never had even moderately large breasts so I had a hard time adjusting to these big old things. My plastic surgeon encouraged me to go without a bra as often as possible so my breasts could relax. I thought he was crazy but I finally started doing it. If I was wearing scrubs to work I'd wear a heavy t-shirt underneath and just go "au natural". Sure enough, before long they started looking and feeling much more natural. They developed a natural droop (not sag) and got much softer. They're still a little big to suit me but everyone says they're very well proportioned and perky. :) Don't worry - you'll adjust to it all and be just fine! Best wishes!
   — ronascott

July 23, 2003
Hi Lauren...please go to this website.. They have an active message board for TT and breast augmentation or reduction. It's a great site, just like AMOS, and really helped me thru my reduction. I was never surprised by what was happening post op because I had people to talk to about it, and had read about it before it happened. Everything you're experiencing is normal. The swelling from the TT will take 4-6 weeks to subside, and your breasts will soften and drop, you just have to be patient (the dreaded P word with this type of surgery). I was told by my doctor that it could take up to a year to completely heal and to get the final shape on my reduced breasts, but I already knew that from the website. I do encourage you to visit the site. They are a great group of women and will welcome you with open arms. Take Care! Denise 316/153
   — lily1968

July 24, 2003
"I had a full TT with Breast implants and a breast lift 7.18.03(5 days ago)" Only five days ago!!!? Of course you are deformed. You are swollen - so nothing that you are looking at right now can even be presumed as your end result. Go to any Implant site message board and you will find a zillion women just like ya, you need to give it at least a couple of months. Didn't your Doctor tell you all of this? Another thing, five days is about the time when you start to question ANY SURGERY. I know I did when I got my Bypass, and my Reduction. Anesthesia works some of us over- and you may be just a little "sensitive" emotionally. Drink lots of water, quit looking at your unfinished-healing-boobs & tummy and wait until the end result before you start worrying unnecessarily!!! Like people who question their Bypass so early out; you cannot do anything about this until you are healed. So be patient. Concentrate on relaxing, and healing.
   — Karen R.

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