Any info. I can give to convince my PCP?

I have an appt. to get a medical clearance from my PCP (required by the ins.). I am not sure how much convincing my doc will need. Is there any place where I can get facts and information to take with me when I go?    — marcia w. (posted on July 16, 2003)

July 16, 2003
What I did was arm myself with my BMI, my list of co morbs, diet attempts, the Dr I had picked (same hospital he works at) and any research I found on this website. I then basically told him that I wasn't leaving without a referral from him. Thankfully, he was very supportive. If your PCP still doesnt want to refer you, get a new PCP who is WLS friendly.
   — Kris T.

July 16, 2003
Do what Kris said... and if your PCP gets snitty... find a new PCP. :~) My first profile... sharon brittain has a great deal of info you might go through before going to your first pcp,though, okay! :~)
   — Sharon M. B.

July 16, 2003
Visit this site and print it for your Doc. It's the actual statistics related to WLS as reported by the American Society for Bariatric Surgery. Good Luck!
   — adeas

July 16, 2003
I totally agree with the first poster!!! If you have every reason in the world to have the surgery ask your PCP why you SHOULDN'T. Believe me, if you meet the criteria, there should be no problem!!! Good luck on your journey.
   — Patty G.

July 16, 2003
I was so worried that my PCP wouldn't support my desicion right away I brought my husband, a list of co-morbids, my family history, my diet history, my weight history etc. Turns out I had nothing to worry about. I started to talk to her about it, 1 min into the conversation she said she didn't need my paperwork, she wanted to know what surgeon I wanted and why. Then she proceeded to write the lab orders and a letter to the insurance company immediately. I had everything before I left. Not every Dr. is this good, but if your Dr. has known you a while, he/she may be more supportive than you think.
   — M B.

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