question about zoloft users

I'm 9 months post op lost 100lbs but i've notice an increase of about 5lbs this month My doctor has me on zoloft 100mg and I'm wondering if this med makes you gain, because I've notice an increase in appitite and I wanna know if its the surgery or the med. thanks    — jennifer O. (posted on July 10, 2003)

July 10, 2003
Jennifer: first of all, congratulations on your success! Second, I'm still pre-op, but when I started taking Zoloft last year I lost 20 lbs. within the first couple months because it curbed my cravings and helped me to stop eating when I felt full. You should probably check with your doctor on this one. It's very possible that the Zoloft could be causing your increased appetite and weight gain.
   — Moysa B.

July 10, 2003
most people, medicated or not, often experience an increase in appetite around 6 months, 9 months and/or a year. Can be VERY frustrating! That said, it is possible that there is a connection to the zoloft. Have you only started taking it recently (last month or so)? If you've been taking it all along or for three or four months, I doubt that that is it...try filling up with more dense proteins and remember to make good choices. Best of luck!
   — [Deactivated Member]

July 10, 2003
Oh boy!! this is a doozie. I have been on Zoloft for migraine for five years. I have steadily gained weight. This is a BIG side effect from Zoloft that the drug companies won't admit. The three women in my work area who are taking Zoloft are also gaining.
   — funfunfun

July 10, 2003
Thank you guys for your answers I really do believe its the zoloft infact i'm certain it is. thanks!!!
   — jennifer O.

July 10, 2003
Hi Jennifer, I took zoloft before too and gained weight with it too but also had other side effects with it, so yes that could be the reason. I also believe that any antidepressants you are taking can make you gain some kind of weight while first taking it, i had to be on several diff ones until I found the right one to best suit me. Ggod luck to youi check with your doctor about it-k!
   — Melodee S.

July 10, 2003
I took zoloft prior to my surgery. Between that one and Paxil I gained 30 pounds in just a few months. Don't let them put you on Paxil or Remeron. Wellbutrin worked for me but I am not sure if it is available in a non-time release....which we need with out new plumbing. I went off of it before the surgery. Lexapro is in a liquid and reports on this one are good. I'm a health insurance agent so I learn about all of these drugs. I see my shrink tomorrow and feel I need something, but am afraid I will have gain results and then I will go off the deep end!
   — Sharon B.

July 10, 2003
I quit smoking 01/02 and Dr put me on Zoloft in 05/02. I gained 50 lbs in three months. Dr has me on Lexapro now. I will never take Zoloft again.
   — shbama

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