
I am a bit over 4 months out and in the last few days I've been so lightheaded/dizzy that it's starting to really bug me. It's not the typical stand up too quick (going to faint) feeling that I usually get. It's more like a lightheaded and dizzy combo. Sometimes it's worse before I eat in the morning, sometimes it gets worse after I eat something during the day. It just seems to come and go all day regardless of what I'm doing...even just sitting in a chair. I've also been more tired than usual for the last week or two. Does anyone have any ideas what could be causing this? I take all my vites (2 multi, iron, C, calcium, potassium, B12), exercise and eat a mostly protein diet. Any input would be appreciated.    — eaamc (posted on June 4, 2003)

June 4, 2003
WATER, SODIUM, POTASSIUM. (you can get potassium in Morton's No salt) I tried e-mailing you but it wouldn't allow me to send it.
   — ZZ S.

June 4, 2003
I also experienced this and have heard that dizziness can sometimes be related to being dehydrated. Make sure you're drinking lots of liquid during your day. If it continues, talk to your dietitian.
   — Deanna C.

June 4, 2003
Andrea, I'm 1 year post op, Have had all my blood work done, and everything has come back perfect, I also drink oh so much water it's unreal.... I eat about 5-6 tiny meals a day to keep the blood levels right, and this seems to help. How-ever at times I still experience the same feeling, havn't fainted yet, just really dizzy and have to catch myself, and stop what I'm doing for about 30 seconds, just to recoup, I wish I knew what it was....... Best of luck.
   — tannedtigress

June 4, 2003
There are many things that could cause this. Give your doctor a call. I am sure that no one hear would want to give advice and then take the chance of being wrong and something happening. I have seen that happen before. Just be extra safe and make the phone call.
   — Linda A.

June 4, 2003
I had this same thing happen to me in the new post op period then again around 6 months post op. The Dr. told me it was because my activity level had increased so much he thought I was burning off my calories too quickly and that was having an effect on my blood sugar. He advised taking a protien bar around with me and taking a couple of bites when I felt dizzy. It WORKED and the dizzy spells went away. My labs have always been normal though so I knew it wasnt a deficiency of anything. I hope you start to feel better soon. Wendi Open RNY 9/19/02 down 130lbs
   — lovemonterey

June 4, 2003
I know you say you are taking potassium, however I was taking it too! And still my potassium was bottoming out at a dangerous low level. Come to find out it was TIME RELEASE potassium and it was'nt working. Finally had to get something else. Ether big horse pill potassium or liquid. Sure you could be dehydrated, or it could be potassium. It could be something else. Check with your doc to make sure. But do check and make sure your potassium is NOT time release!
   — Danmark

June 4, 2003
Have you had your blood pressure checked? With the weight loss, it could be running lower than it should, causing lightheadedness and dizziness.
   — Denise B.

June 5, 2003
If you are dizzy even when sitting down, it could also be an inner ear infection, I had this last month. Now I just have the stand up and get dizzy. I find it worse after exercising and when I'm not getting enough rest. My husband had the surgery 2 weeks ago and he's have a rough time so I'm stressed. Since so many of us have this I'm thinking it has something to do with the rapid weight loss and blood sugars and blood pressure and will even out when we even out. Just call me Pollyanna. Good Luck. Peace.
   — Sunny S.

June 5, 2003
I remember reading a post here where she was having the same symptoms and it turned out she was taking in too much B-12. Good luck!
   — Sandy T.

June 7, 2003
As always, check with your doctor, but it could be dehydration or low blood sugar reaction.
   — Lynette B.

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