Does hypothyroidism effect weight loss post op?

I was just wondering if anyone has heard if an underactive thyroid causes slower weight loss after surgery. Thank you!    — Peggy Ann W. (posted on April 10, 2003)

April 10, 2003
I went "hypothyroid" deliberately for a medical treatment unrelated to WLS, when I was about five months out, per doctor's orders. For a month, I lost nothing, even though I was eating 1,000 calories a day (and trying to keep exercising, til I got too "hypo" to do it). Once I went on thyroid meds, 12 pounds dropped off in a week. So, I didn't find it stopped my weight loss -- that big 12-pound drop put me back on course -- but it suggests to me that if you are hypo, and untreated for that condition, then yes, a slowed metabolism (which you get with being "hypo") would hinder your weight loss efforts. But if you're on thyroid replacement hormones to regulate your condition, they should be aiming to get you into "normal" ranges (neither hyper- nor hypo-thyroid) ... and in that case, you should lose just fine. Just my (non-MD!!) 2c.
   — Suzy C.

April 10, 2003
I'm hypothyroid and being treated for it. My weight loss would be considered "slow", but it is faster than any healthy diet. I've lost 28 lbs in 7 weeks, which is more than I ever lost on a diet - even with LOTS of excercise. It seems logical that if you are hypothyroid and untreated, it could greatly affect your weight lost post-surgery.
   — jnc

April 10, 2003
I'm hypothyroid and have been for several years; my levels get checked every six months and my Synthroid adjusted if need be. I'm getting checked again on Saturday. So far, it has not seemed to affect my weight loss - I am 9 weeks post op, and have lost 43 pounds. However, I think it would certainly affect weight loss if untreated. Remember, your thyroid is your "master gland" - it's proper functioning is vital for a multitude of reasons; fortunately, minor malfunctions of the thyroid seem to be pretty well managed with hormone therapy...
   — johanniter

April 10, 2003
I have hypothyroidism and also was a slow loser but i still shouldnt have any problems losing it maybe slow but you will lose!! good luck
   — Deanna Wise

April 11, 2003
I am hypothyroid, and had my surgery on 9/19/02. I have lost 103lbs, and have 18 more to goal. I am on synthroid, and my levels are good right now. I felt like I was a slow loser, but now that I look at it, it was just steady and not necessarily slow. I had one plateau about 4 weeks out, but after that, everything was steady. I think as long as your medication is correct, it will not have any affect on your weight loss.
   — beryl

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