40 LBS to Goal- 7 Months Out, Should I consider diet pills?

I'm 7months post-op and my weight loss I think, is pretty slow, still losing but I averege about 10lbs a month still. when has everyone starting noticing the weight loss getting slower and almost to a halt because I still have about 40 more to go for my personal goal of 150lbs. I started out at 275lbs, 7months post-op now I'm 193 not to bad I feel good. do I need to start taking diet pills to get the other 40lbs off? any sugestions?    — jennifer O. (posted on April 9, 2003)

April 9, 2003
I feel like I had this surgery to NEVER have to take another diet pill or go to another weight watcher meeting for nothing! I am 6.5 mo post-op and have lost 109# it is slowing down now, but who wants to be a twig?! I'm not sure if you can, but I think you should'nt. You are doing great and you will still lose a little more over time. Remember you still lose inches faster than pounds too! Everyone loses at different paces, so many factors, how much you weighed before, how tall you are, which surgery you had and your age.Good luck!
   — Sandy M.

April 9, 2003
You need to be patient. Still losing 10 pounds a month at 7 months is great. I had my slow down start then, now at 9 months I have lost about 5 pounds the last two months, this month looks like I am not losing anything...the body has to do what the body has to do, no matter how frustrating! Diet pills are never the solution...especially since they can tear up your tummy..we don't want that do we? You are doing just fine! You can always add more won't hurt. Surgery: 7/16/02 253.5 start/160 now /125 goal
   — missmollyk

April 9, 2003
Dear Jennifer, I started out at 260, very close to your starting weight. I had the plateau from h*** at 7 months postop. I had lost slowly and steadily up to that time. I was terrified that I was done losing! What I did was to increase my exercise, adding more weight training to the cardio. I also increased my water and protein intake and tried to limit my carbs. I started keeping track of things on, just to make sure I know what I was doing every day. All of this seemed to work; I went on to lose another 50 pounds in the next four months after the plateau ended! Blew right past my original goal of 150. hugs, Ann rmy 9/10/99 260/124
   — [Deactivated Member]

April 9, 2003
Heavens no! Don't take any pills. You're not even close to being done losing. You have at least a year. I went for 16 months.
   — ZZ S.

April 9, 2003
As long as you are still losing weight, whatever than amount is, do NOT resort to pills. There are other things you can do to continue or increase the loss, such as exercise, drinking more water, eating more protein, reducing the carbs and sugars. At 7 months post-op, you are far from the end and should continue to lose, though at a slower rate for quite some time. Be a little more patient.
   — Cindy R.

April 9, 2003
Wow, I could have written your post, glad you did. 10 lbs a month is fantastic compared to where I'm at. I'm 7 months post op and started at 279 I'm now 195 (lost 84 lbs) but like you I want to be around 152 lbs to be at goal. I have been on a plateau for about 4 weeks, I've lost a lb here and there but basically been at the same weight. I'm exercising 6X a week about 45 min on the elliptical trainer, tracking everything I'm eating, getting in all my protein and water, but still I'm on the plateau. I hope it will move soon this is so very frustrating. I would not resort to diet pills for fear they would be too harsh for the pouch and from everything I've read of others' experiences I'd say we have 6-10 more months to lose even if it slows to 5 lbs a month or so. You just have to adjust to the fact that it is slowing down now, but with perseverence we'll make it to goal.
   — Margaret H.

April 9, 2003
I have to agree with the other posters but i wanted to add this, RELAX, take it easy on yourself just go with the flow beleive you me you will lose more weight...I barely lose 5 pnds every couple of months now but you know what I am still losing and as long as you keep losing who cares how fast its going just keep up the good work cuz your doing great......
   — Deanna Wise

April 9, 2003
no no no no no Jennifer! You're still doing great, and after the 6 month mark we all lose slower- our bodies need some time to catch up after all its hard work! Some people will even just lose a lb. or two a month until the end, but its still a loss and still doing good. As you've heard WLS is a "tool" and you have to use it once things become hard. Increase your protein, get to the gym, drink more water. If it really becomes bad, then go back on a liquid diet for a week or 2 and "shrink" your pouch. This always helps post-ops. Diet pills are so dangerous, even the ones w/o ephedra. They increase your heart rate and can be rough on your stomach. Our pouches are sooo very sensitive, we have to be careful what goes into them, and diet pills will hurt them. I know it's hard sometimes, but you can do it. Your "window" is open for 18 months, and even after that it's not the end. So don't give up and resort to pills. Goodluck to you!
   — Lezlie Y.

April 9, 2003
Jennifer, NO !!! Remember you are only 7 months out. Most poeple loose for 12 - 18 months. I am 11 months out and haven't lost anything for the past 9 weeks, until this week, I lost 6 pounds. I changed the way I was eating and drinking my protein shake. I started eating breakfast and instead of just drinking the shake...I now have it about 9:00 and I added 1 16 oz bottle of water and stoped eating 2 - 3 hours before bedtime. Good Luck and you are doing GREAT !!
   — Sharon H.

March 24, 2009
I'm the same way! I've lost 45 pounds in 7 months - day after day the scale doesn't move! I have 40 more pounds to lose. I eat right, and exercise 4-5 times a weeks for 1 to 1&1/2 hours each. The only thing I don't do is drink enough liquids and I drink some liquid with my meals. Linda
   — lswitzer

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