Depressed and eating way too much!

I will be 2 years out in July. I have lost about 140 pounds and haven't gained. I have been very depressed recently with the following issues: weight loss stopped, excess skin, my food choices, etc. All of these things then leads me to more depression that then leads to me eating as much as a can pretty much all day long. I also don't make healthy choices so I feel sick to my stomach a lot and have diarreha a lot. I constantly think about food from morning 'til night almost as if I am obsessed with food! I guess my question is if anyone has had luck seeing an eating disorder specialist or post-op psychiatric care? I have a regular therapist that I see sometimes but I feel like I am beginning to have an eating disorder (I eat all the time and even though I get sick from it I still do it!) and I think I might need a specialist. Any one else go through that?    — Denise F. (posted on April 6, 2003)

April 6, 2003
Hi! I am a pre-op and I am already looking into therapy, it is strongly recommended. I am also a member of a gym to start working on toning as soon as I am allowed. Hang in there...140 pds is great.
   — Jerry C. M.

April 6, 2003
I can't answer your question exactly because I haven't been through therapy yet but I am two weeks post-op and know that I will definately need an eating disorder specialist. I think about food all day long even though I'm nauseas and am never hungry. Right now, I physically can't eat but I know if I don't get this under control now I will be in trouble one year from now when I can eat more. I think you are making the right decision. Good luck and feel free to e-mail me if you like. Take care
   — denisel

April 6, 2003
This is an excerpt from your post on your profile as of Jan. 8, 2003..."My body has stopped, or I have stopped it. I have felt crappy....because of the food choices...I decided to stop the eating fat and refined sugar. I started on Monday and by Monday night I was feeling great, it is unbelievable. I am now on my third day of eating better and I can't believe how good I have been feeling in just three days of this! I had gotten to the point where I was up all night every night in the bathroom with intestinal cramps and diarreha....NO MORE!....I was eating what I wanted but paying the price in a big way! ......Funny, after only a few days of cutting out sweets and refined sugar, the sugar cravings have gone way donwn! ...." You have the answers right here. You know what to do and you CAN do it!! You've done it before ,just remember how good you feel when you make sensible food chooses. We can't change a lifetime of eating habits in 2 years, you know. You're doing terrific. Just push the thoughts OUT of your head when you have them or where a rubberband on your wrist and "snap" yourself when you're not making good food choices (the Pavlovian dog!!). I'm only 3 weeks out, but I'm obsessing over food, too, and ALOT! Today, I was fantasizing about fried chicken...during the fantasy and drooling (truly, I swear I was salivating!), I said outloud to myself, "Yeah, fried chicken is really good, but you're not having it today." I couln't believe it, but that acutally worked. I stopped thinking about it. I think an eating disorder therapist is a good addition to your program. I called my insurance carrier for a referral from them. It took a while (about a week and many phone calls) to get someone who had an opening, but I like her and hope to work on just the eating issues alone soon, as we're still just getting to know each other. Hang in there and feel free to email me for more support if you need it. Remember, you're doing phenomonally well!!! And you're only human. : ) Best of luck to you.
   — msmaryk

April 6, 2003
Yeah, I went to eating disorder therapy. After losing weight, I became depressed and would binge-eat. I didn't have WLS, so I still CAN binge eat. And I would get sick from it, too...terrible cramps and stuff. Even though I wasn't overweight at all anymore, all I thought about was food. My doctor put me on Prozac and I started seeing a therapist and it's helped tremendously.
   — Brittany C.

April 6, 2003
I've not been exactly there, but it could happen tomorrow. You might want to pop onto the Grad list and talk to others who are where you are. Many have been able to turn it around, with plenty of support. Here's the link: Grads is for people one or more years out to POST. Anyone can lurk and I highly recommend it.
   — vitalady

April 6, 2003
I've not been exactly there, but it could happen tomorrow. You might want to pop onto the Grad list and talk to others who are where you are. Many have been able to turn it around, with plenty of support. Here's the link: Grads is for people one or more years out to POST. Anyone can lurk and I highly recommend it.
   — vitalady

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