Need Info about white blood cell count

I recently had my 6 month blood workup done and had to go in and discuss the results and my white blood cell count is dropping. It is below normal and I have no idea why has anyone had this and what does it mean?    — UMMADUMMASS (posted on February 14, 2003)

February 14, 2003
Hi Caroline. I'm a Labor & Delivery nurse and have only encountered this a few times, but I'm happy to share what I know about the condition. This is a condition called "Neutropenia". While most people know that WBC's multiply when you are fighting an infection, they don't know that a common cold can cause a drop in WBC production. However, there are more serious causes of low WBC's such as bone marrow problems. If your physician is not concerned, then maybe your WBC's aren't too low in his/her opinion. Maybe it's just on the low end of normal? Something to keep in mind though is that you are more susceptible to becoming sick while you have a low WBC count. If you find that you are running a fever, healing slowly, developing sores, or just don't feel "right", you should hightail it back into the doc's office and have him/her check you out! It could be something very simple or it could be serious. I'm not a doctor, and I don't even play one on TV *grin*, but tht's what I can tell you about low WBC count. Good luck hun!!!
   — SuzAnne S.

February 15, 2003
Caroline,I have a low wbc count too. My surgeon wasn't overly concerned about it, but being an RN, I am. My family doc was the one that did the labwork and he told me that we'll check it monthly for 3 months and if it's still low he'll want me to see a hemotologist. I have been trying to connect a low calcium with a low wbc count, but haven't had any luck. I don't know if any nutritional deficiencies can cause low wbc's. If you find anything out I would really like to hear it too. Thanks!
   — Jen S.

February 15, 2003
Hi! I posted this same question 2 1/2 mos. ago. The same EXACT thing happened to me with my 6 mos. blood work. My WBC count was VERY low. I never could get an answer as to why, my PCP had no answer to it. My Dr. did new blood work last Friday I can't wait till Tuesday to get the results. If your count is real low, be careful around sickies and don't lick the handles on shopping LUCK! I'll let you know if I find out anything ;-)
   — Tambi B.

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