Do any of you who are longer-term post ops use Benefiber daily?

If so, how much do you use per day? Also, do you occasionally have to add a stool softener as well? I've been battling constipation problems from the very beginning. Added Grape Nuts to my yogurt for breakfast or I eat oatmeal, and also eat a piece of fresh fruit (apple or pear)each day. I drink plenty of water. Yet I still have problems where I produce plenty of waste, it just gets hung up and won't exit properly without some serious straining. So now I have a fissure :( I talked to my surgeon's nurse a couple of days ago and she recommend Peri-Colace and using Benefiber each day. I am pleased that the taste and texture really are non-existent! I neglected to ask what dosage I should aim for (Benefiber label says maximum of 5 tablespoons per day). If any of you long term posties have any feedback on this subject, I would be most grateful! - Anna LAP RNY 7/3/02 -110lbs.    — Anna L. (posted on February 7, 2003)

February 7, 2003
I've just started using Benefiber for the same reason, but think I'm going to have to use more as I'm still having problems. You might also see if you're taking too much iron; it's famous for causing constipation.
   — scottiemaam O.

February 7, 2003
I just started Benefiber myself...1 tsp in the a.m. and 1 tsp in the p.m. in a cup of tea does me just fine. I am *regular* w/o being out of control LOL Don't want to be sitting in the bathroom ALL the time, do I?? LOL Take care and have a Sparkling Day!! ~CAE~
   — Mustang

February 7, 2003
For what it's worth, my clinical nutritionist told me that you need psyllium to really relieve constipation. Benefiber has guar gum, not psyllium in it. So, I switched to Metamucil. It has been working fine.
   — Michele C.

February 7, 2003
My sympathies. :( I was using Benefiber (and pericolace), but eventually discovered that adding Kellogg's All-Bran to my Special K in the morning did the trick better than anything else. I know, it's a carb-y breakfast, but it works and it got me off of the Benefiber/pericolace merry-go-round. Good luck!
   — Suzy C.

February 9, 2003
Everyone, thanks so much for the feedback. Michelle -- my surgeon's nurse told me to avoid psyllium since it swells in the pouch (even says on the Metamucil bottle that it can swell in your esophogas!). Have you been okay with it? I'm doing 2TBS in the morning with my sugar free Tang and another 2TBS at night in my herbal tea. I also just made some low fat bran muffins, to go along with the oatmeal, Grape Nuts, fresh fruit I try to add daily (one serving daily). Thanks again everyone!
   — Anna L.

February 9, 2003
Just to clarify, that's 2TBSP of the Benefiber 2x a day I'm doing.
   — Anna L.

November 25, 2003
I'm pre op, but have Fibromyalgia and a side effect is IBS- with diahrea for over thirty years so I have to take something to help me with that. I have been trying to stay with high protein foods, since last August as I've decided to have wls , and I get constipated badly, have fissures now. For years I used Metamucil and put up with the bloated, gasy results it gave me. I was regular finally. But still almost home bound. Then in this last year I tried Citracel, then Citracel Clear Mix. The Citrcel was better than Metamucil, I had no bloating and gas with the Citracel. Then two months ago I started using Citracel Clear Mix and it is the best of all worlds. No bloating and gas pains, worked like a charm, no vile side effects. Then last week I started Benefiber, I had read on OH members who had good results with it. I have taken Benefiber, their recommended dose of 1 TBL. 3 times a day for over four days, I have had unbelieveable gas, bloating, and I can't say the Benefiber results were good, I was very disappointed. And yes it does thicken from the corn starch - check the label ingredients or their web site. I am going back to the Cetracil Clear Mix, it worked great with no ill side effects. I'm taking a lot less with much better results. I'm also researching the ingredients of Metamucil, Cetracil and Benefiber. Different strokes for different folks. Just my humble opinion.
   — Carol S.

November 25, 2003
I have used Benifiber for months now and I only put one tsp in my glass. I mix it in my Decaf Ice Tea. I also take one to two stool softeners each night. So far it has been great. That certain week each month, I may have to use a ducalax to help me out but the rest of the month I am fine. I never go two days without going before I use more help. I have had the surgury to correct hemmoroid and fissure problems and will never go through that again. An apple a day can't hurt or a small salad. No bananas, they help bind most people. If you already have a fissure, never go without that softener and plenty of liquids. You need to find the right formula for your body. Best of Luck Lap RNY 8-28-02 down 119 lbs
   — Linda K.

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