Can crystal lite be considered my water intake?

I am 3mon po/op and have not been able to get any water in. I can only drink crystal lite or else it hurts real bad. I have even tried to sweeten it up a little with sweet and low but it didn't help much. weight loss has been a little slow could this be why? 230 now 180 please help.    — Viv D. (posted on January 30, 2003)

January 30, 2003
I have not had the surgery yet. However, my Surgeon says drinking crystal light in the place of water is o.k.
   — Louise M.

January 30, 2003
I was told anything liquid counts toward your water intake..protein shakes, soup, crystal lite, etc. But your body does need plain water to cleanse itself out...I would ask your doctor, you should be able to handle water by now. It only hurt my pouch for maybe the first month.
   — sheltie

January 30, 2003
Crystal light canf. count toward your water intake! I personally think any liquid should count, but I've also heard that only things w/o sugar count. Either way, I make sure I get atleast 70oz of water a day, not including protein drinks or milk I drink everyday. I'm sorry you're haing trouble getting it in, but it is def. essential and I think it's helped me alot with weight loss! 50lbs in 3 months is great- plus you're considered a "lightweight" so your weight loss is going to be slower than someone who has 200lbs to lose as opposed to 100. I was 250lbs 8 months ago and am now 150. So if you keep losing like you are, you will be at goal in no time!! Goodluck to you!
   — Lezlie Y.

January 30, 2003
My Dr. says Crystal Lite counts. You might also want to try Propel water - it does have about 3 gm of sugar per serving, but some post-ops find it easier to get down. I'm 3.5 mo p/o and am just beginning to be able to drink water normally, so it does get better!
   — JoAnn B.

January 30, 2003
Hi there, Viv and great name! My surgeon and dietician both have said that Crystal Lite does count towards your fliud intake, there are some days where I don't want to touch water and I'll have only Crystal Lite, so enjoy. Vi open RNY 9/23/02 down 101 lbs.
   — Vi F.

January 30, 2003
the only thing I drink is crystal lite. I cannot seem to enjoy the taste of water after having had surgery. Crystal lite is always in my cupboard, and my surgeon said this was a good choice.
   — twenc

January 31, 2003
This may not be what you want to hear, but only water can count as your water intake. Water is natural and prevents dehydration, where as Crystal Light is, well, Crystal Light. It is an excellent choice for the liquid intake, but it is artificially sweetened, therefore, it's not pure water. Hope this helps (best wishes).
   — Tonya H.

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