Can we ever go back to eating reg. food
Can we ever go back to normal foods like ice cream, pizza, breads, hamburgers, pancakes ect. Thank You Very much for any help that can be givin. — Regina H. (posted on January 13, 2003)
January 13, 2003
Regina, you are probably going to get a wide variety of answers to this
question, some may even bee nasty. I will tell you that all depends on
your body and how much you want to use this tool your surgeon has given
you. Let me preface this by saying, I had this surgery to regain control
of my life and most importantly, TO BE NORMAL!. Also, your key months are
3-8 and all most weight loss ends somewhere between 12 mos - 18 mos. So,
CHOSE WISELY! Don't miss syour window of opportunity! So, based on me
& my body, I will tell you when I had these foods. (1) Ice Cream -
this all depends whether you dump or not. I eat SF Breyers OCCAISIONALLY!
I was able to eat this at 2 mos. (2) Pizza - have had 3 slices since
surgery as of 2 mos post-op (3) Hamburger - I LIVE ON BURGERS! I eat at
least 2-3 cheeseburgers (no bun) every week. I eat 93% lean and I get like
31g of protein and 260 calories w/out even adding the cheese! (4) Pancakes
- Haven't had them and won't. Toooooo many carbs and when you add the
syrup and butter, no nutrional value whatsoever (however, I could probably
have been able to eat them as of 2 mos). I hope I answered your question.
Good Luck!
— heathercross
January 13, 2003
Regina-As Heather said, I had this surgery to be Normal! That said, I am 3
1/2 months post-op -68 pounds. I can eat 1 piece of pizza, a small
cheeseburger w/o the top bun, and even 1/2 a sandwich on occasion, although
I do not tolerate bread very well, so that is rare. as for ice cream, you
will probably find that it takes MUCH less to satsfy you then it did
before. I like mocha mix ice cream w/o the lactose. It does have sugar, but
I am not a dumper. I find that just 2 teaspoons or so does it for me. I was
worried about never feeling normal, but I eat pretty much like everyone
else. As the office manager at my surgeons office says, "You are not
on a diet. We want you to have a piece of cake on your birthday, we just
don't want you to eat the whole cake." well said I thought.
— Lesa H.
January 13, 2003
I'll agree with the previous posters. I had this surgery to be normal, NOT
on a constant diet. That said, I try not to eat too many carbs. I can eat
one piece of pizza but it just doesn't satisfy me like it did pre-op. Ice
cream is a no-no for me because I'm lactose intolerant. I do indulge in an
eggo waffle w/calcium once in a great while. I smear peanut butter on it
instead of butter and drizzle SF syrup on that. A few bites fills me up
but as an occasionaly indulgence...I do enjoy it! Burgers are like the just doesn't appeal to me much anymore. You will end up being
able to eat most "normal" just may not WANT to. Good
luck and God Bless.
— Leah H.
January 13, 2003
I hope you don't think I'm mean by saying this. But it's my understanding
that we need to change our bad habits during that "window of
opportunity". I'm not saying that you have to avoid all those things
that you love. But those things you listed don't exactly qualify as
healthy food. Like the previous post said, I don't think it's a matter of
if you CAN eat them. I think a lot of people CAN. It's all a matter of
making better choices and changing a lot of the bad habits that got people
to the point they were at prior to surgery. I know that chips were one of
my big downfalls. I can eat chips now, and I do on occasion. But the
difference now is that I only eat one small handful, instead of one large
bag. Most of my food choices are completely different now then they were
before surgery. That is my choice, not because I have to. I decided that
if I didn't change the way I ate, I would fail once again at this one last
chance to lose weight.
— Laurel C.
January 13, 2003
I'm 8 yrs out now 7 eat normal foods. I avoid milk & sugar, but that's
all I avoid to hold my wt. I eat small portions of fast food & chips
& pizza. BUT they don't call to me as they once did. With lunch today,
my DH & I split a teeny kid sized bag of chips, for example. I used to
enjoy just sitting with a Dr Pepper & bag of chips, but it doesn't even
interest me now. I didn't want pizza for 5 yrs! LOL! Now I want it every
now & then, but a little satisfies. And if it's not the way *I* want
it, I dont' even take a bite. I'm very picky with what I put in the pouch
space I've got. But no milk, no sugar, at least til I want to regain my
former figger. I'm not pure as the driven snow on sugar, but I do not allow
it in my daily life. If I have some on a rare occasion (bday cake, for
example), it is that & just that. I have not also had ffruit juice,
and a cin bun for bfast.
— vitalady
January 13, 2003
At 1.5 year out I can eat ANYTHING. In limited quanties. A pizza hut
personal pan supreme or a 6 inch sub is a full meal/ Eat sugar free ice
cream sometimnes. Yep me and Jen eat regular food, but do try to limit
sweets and stuff.
— bob-haller
January 13, 2003
— KIM S.
January 13, 2003
I seem to be able to eat just about anything - without dumping. To me,
that means I have to be extra careful about what I choose to eat. I can
have all those things, but my tastes have changed. Milk chocolate is still
my weakness. I have a bag of Dove Promises at home. The difference -
before surgery they would have lasted (maybe) two days. This bag I got
well before Christmas and I still have at least half of it left! Sometimes
I want cheese doodles. It took me 4 weeks to go through a bag (with help
from my dogs) - you know, 2 for them, 1 for me, 3 for them, 1 for me, a
handfull for them, one for me..... I can eat hamburger, but it seems
"heavy" and I like a little bit of sugar free ice cream, maybe a
quarter cup, instead of 1/2 a pint. I have eaten pizza - one piece does
it, and that also seems heavy. You will be able to at least try the foods
you like. In fact, I enjoy food much more now. I eat smaller portions and
I really savor what I eat, because I have learned to take small bites and
eat slower.
— koogy
January 14, 2003
Regina, I didn't try to eat these type of foods until I got below goal. I
started out at 252, set a personal goal of 135 and I'm now at 112. In
order to maintain my weight at 112-115, I have to eat a few more carbs. If
my weight goes above 115, I cut some of the carbs out. I didn't start
eating the kinds of foods you listed until I reached my goal. I limit how
often I eat them now. It's all about moderation, and making smart choices.
That's not to say you can't stray once in a while, you just have to be
careful and stay focused on what's healthy. In order to maintain a healty
weight you'll never eat those foods with the same abandon that we did prior
to surgery. If we do, then we'll be right back where we were. I, for one,
don't ever want to let that happen. Nothing tastes that good. I hope you
will avoid these foods until you reach your goal and then continue to make
wise choices. Good Luck.
— Teri D.
January 14, 2003
Regina, I know you are post-op and the short answer to your question is
yes, you will be able to eat normal foods again. At 11 months post-op, I
could eat any of the foods you listed if I wanted to. I do eat bread-whole
wheat mostly in sandwiches, and definitely hamburger. Pizza just doesn't
taste good anymore so I rarely have that, and I have not tried pancakes
yet, but certainly could. The important part of the surgery is to remember
that you only have a certain amount of time to lose the weight and to
maximize your chances, its best to stay away or minimize some of those
normal foods and try to concentrate on protein. I know your excited about
your surgery and I wish you the best!
— Cindy R.
January 14, 2003
I am six months post-op, and I can eat almost anything I want. I don't eat
much sugar because I do dump, and bread just seems to expand in my stomach.
But I am not a member if the carb police. I see nothing wrong with eating
any food in moderation. I can have pizza or a taste of ice cream. I even
eat a roll occasionally. What I find is that I still eat my comfort foods,
in a modified form. Instead of a eating half a deep dish pizza with sausage
and extra cheese, I have one or two pieces of thin crust pizza with
mushrooms and green peppers. Instead of eating half a container of ice
cream, I have a Yoplait Double Fruit non-fat yogurt bar (really ymuuy!). I
guess when it boils down to it, you can have anything you want. Only you
can determine the success of your weightloss journey so choose wisely. I
wish you all the success in the world.
— Jenny S.
January 14, 2003
I am also not the food police or the carb police (look at my profile: I eat
out A LOT!) BUT . . . To be honest with you, ice cream, pizza, hamburgers,
pancakes, etc. That is not what I would consider "normal" food.
That is junk food. And, while I do eat each and every one of these things
in moderation from time to time, I do NOT consider them to be a staple of
my diet. So if your question is will you be able to eat them at all, the
answer is yes. If your question is will you be able to base your diet on
these, I would have to say NO, you will make yourself sick.<p>I look
at postop life a lot like I did pregnancy. I had a lot of nutrition to get
in and only a limited amount of food I could consume to do it. If I waste
my food capacity on junk, then I don't have room for the good stuff that
will make me feel good and live longer. So I eat the good stuff FIRST and
THEN have a little of the other stuff.<p>I don't mean to sound harsh,
but boy I sure would hate for you to have the surgery and then end up
sicker than you were! But I am assuming that you meant have these foods
occasionally in moderation. :) I am a big believer in moderation and have
tried just about everything at least once. But you may find, as I have,
that those hamburgers/pizzas/ice cream cones just don't really taste as
good as you thought they did. I'll tell you I would just about rather poke
my eye with a stick than go to McDonalds! :P Good luck!
— ctyst
January 18, 2003
Regina, I sure am glad you asked this question... I have been wondering the
same thing myself. I read everyone's responses and they have answered the
question for me (as I hope they did for you). I, too, wanted to know if I
would EVER be able to have those previously "normal" foods again.
I am only 4 weeks post-op and am kind of afraid to try most foods yet.
Heck, I am just now starting to get more of my daily water in without
cramping horribly. I know I will have to watch what I eat for the rest of
my life and make healthy/wise choices... I just didn't want to feel like I
would be on a strict diet forever.
— Angela D.
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