HELP! 9 days Post op and threw up...

OUCH...Several hours ago i ate a half a can of campbells chicken noodle soup, well, I still feel full, is it because my new stomach cant digest it? I know I wasn't supposed to eat it but I did because I was craving it! So anyways, I fell asleep for a couple hours and when I woke i ate a couple of bites of banana fat free sugar free pudding and i started having major abdomin pains and feeling of extreme fullness and threw up the pudding. How long will it take before that soup is gone??    — Karen W. (posted on December 18, 2002)

December 18, 2002
The reason you are asked not to eat certain foods early on post op is because some of them can be harmful to you. I knew someone that ate spaghetti at only a couple weeks out and had to be cut back open because spaghetti got caught on her stitching where her stoma is and could not be fixed with a scope. I started to say that I don't want to scare you....but that is not true. I do hope that this scares you a little enough to follow your diet a little closer. I do know it is hard to stick right to it and I know you didn't ask this question to be bashed and that is not what I am trying to do. I would just like you to realize that some food is dangerous that early out. I swayed from mine from time to time and still do. I learned a few lessons as I went along too. I don't quite know how to answer your question but hope that if you do not feel better soon you will call your surgeon. Good Luck!
   — DRutherford

December 18, 2002
Have you been cleared for solid foods? I ate chicken noodle soup at that stage but I had to strain it - could only have the broth. The noodles and the chicken might have caused a blockage. I would suggest sipping a little water or Crystal Light - maybe it will wash the food through or at least make you throw it up. I don't want to sound preachy, but if you aren't supposed to be eating something, DON'T! There are reasons for the food guidelines. If you get worse or aren't better by morning, call your surgeon - they may have to do an endoscopy and open it up so the food will go through.
   — Patty_Butler

December 19, 2002
I don't think, what you ate, was a very bad choice. I think eating a 1/2 a cup of soup and then laying down was the slip up. I've found, if you lay down after eating, that you become alot more nausiated. Try to take it slow, and follow your doctors guidelines.
   — Erica D.

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