My PCP wants me to create the letter of medical necessity.

He said if I did this, then he might sign it. I have diet history from January 1988 through December 2002. The last two years of this physician supervised, and quite a few risk factors. I have had every consult know to man. What else do I have to do to get a referral? I live in Carmi, Illinois, anyone know of a caring PCP that doesn't make you beg?    — Terri R. (posted on December 14, 2002)

December 14, 2002
There is a great on one this site. You can just cut and paste the parts you need. I didn't need my PCP to write a letter my surgeon did that. My pcp just referred me to the surgeon I chose. He really isn't too knowledgable about the surgery and bowed to my overwhelming knowledge when I talked to him about the referral. Anyway here is the link to the letter GOOD LUCK!!!
   — dkinson

December 14, 2002
Terri, as the previous poster mentioned there is a great example on this site, but feel freel to use the one on my profile. Hope this helps!!
   — yourdivaness

December 14, 2002
I would get my medical records and run as fast as I could away from this bigoted medical "professional", and I use the term very very loosly. Telling you write the letter and then he MIGHT sign it. The insurance company is going to want specifics related detailed medical things/terms that the average lay person can easily screw up. It is a totally different story if they ask you to write your own letter indicating why you want this and how it will affect your life etc. My surgeon asked for a statement like this that they will include in their approval request. In my case I wrote about 2 pages so I don't know if he will edit or send au natural. This letter should definitely be different than what your PCP should provide. Tell your doctor if it takes too much time for him to do it for free to please feel free to charge your insurance company for his time. Yes I am being sarcastic but this guys a JERK! Ask him if would prefer to keep dealing with medical conditions related to a morbidly obese person or treat someone who has been able to resolve a lot of their medical problems and will likely be less of a burden to him. As far as I am concerned if you can get the letter you need from him, take it to the surgeon and then head right to a new PCP. You do not deserve to be treated that way. Who knows what lack of medical care you are getting because this person thinks MO people are lazy and just have no will power. JMO. Chris
   — zoedogcbr

December 14, 2002
You are welcome to use mine as well. Just click on my name,
   — Maria S.

December 14, 2002
It sounds like your PCP is clueless and really does need you to write the letter of medical necessity because he doesn't know what to write. Enlighten him!
   — thumpiez

December 15, 2002
I had two PCPs, one who withdrew in protest of WLS discussions, and a second one who is a doll, very knowledgeable and supportive. Yours probably falls somewhere between the two. My second guided me through some of the most significant weight related health problems in terms of what the insurance companies STRESS as important (the major comords) to help me identify ones that I have. Without that guidance I may have been clueless. So I agree that you might need to find a new PCP. Talk to a bariatric surgeon that you are interested in using and see if they can recommend a PCP or ask on this board (that is how I found my second one). If you decide to write your own letter, there are good examples on this board. Make sure you highlight weight loss attempts, any prescription meds you have taken, and any weight related health issues such as diabetes, heart condition, arthritis, incontinence, GERD, sleep apnea, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, pain on weight bearing joints, etc. Also any significant family history such as heart ailments, diabetes or hypertension due to obesity.
   — susanje

December 16, 2002
Agree with previous poster~list the major co-morbs. Take a look at my profile page and see if the LOMN can be of some help to you.
   — yourdivaness

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