My date is Dec. 3, what should I do now to get prepared? vitamins, etc?
Hi, finally, I have a date...December 3 (3 weeks away) Im concerned about the whole hair loss thing and vitamin deficiences. What should I do today, to get prepared? — Karen W. (posted on November 13, 2002)
November 13, 2002
I went out and spent approx 150.00 on vits, protein drinks and bars, foods,
etc. And postop my tastebuds completely changed on me and I could not stand
any of the vitamins or drinks or foods I bought. I had to throw out
everything. They just gagged me. I was so sorry I bought the stuff. When
you come home, you will eat so little at first, that you will have plenty
of time to go out and get the stuff your new taste buds will like. Watch
out for the all natural stuff at the health food stores. To me, they are
all horrible. I havent found one thing yet I like from there. The all
natural chewable vits were gross. 40.00 worth thrown away. I now use
Centrum because my nutritionist showed me a test to test vits. Drop one in
water or vinegar, if it takes longer than 1/2 hr to dissolve, it will not
dissolve in time in a bypass patient for you to get the effects. I tried an
Herbalife vitamin. It never dissolved. I tried a Centrum, it dissolved in 1
minute. Best wishes to you on your surgery!
— Karla K.
November 13, 2002
First of all, congrats on your surgery date! Here is what I did: Get a
childrens multivitamin with iron. Go to, and order a slew of
protein samples (I ordered like 20). Don't try any yet. When you get home
from surgery, you can try a new one each day -- chances are you'll find one
you like relatively quickly, and you can order a full jar. Get some
calcium citrate, and a pill splitter/crusher. I have always had an easy
time with huge pills, but immediately after surgery I had to cut everything
into pieces. I also started taking GNC hair and nails right after
surgery.....but I'm only 3 weeks out, so can't tell you if I've avoided
hair loss. Get some sublingual B-12. Beyond that....your doctor may
prescribe more, but I think that covers the basics. Good luck!
— Tamara K.
November 14, 2002
Stock your cupboards with whatever you will be able to eat immediately
post-op (sugar free jello, chicken broth, etc.). Buy and take earplugs to
the hospital with you (they saved my life - had a horrible roommate).
Think about renting a recliner to sleep in. Start taking your vitamins
now. Get off caffeine now. Make sure someone will stay with you every
moment in the hospital.
— Kathy J.
November 14, 2002
hi there! congrats on your date! :) i would stock up on your vitamins as
well as broth, sf jello, cottage cheese, i asked for some very small
containers while i was at the hospital, you know the medicine cups. they
look like the ones that are on top of an elixer bottle. these are perfect
for measuring out 1 oz increments and it saves on having to do the dishes
alot. i would definetly have a comfy chair set up with fluffy pillows, i
couldnt lie down flat for a while so i slept in the nice recliner we have.
get some chap stick and your favorite lotion as you may deal with dry skin
and very chapped lips.also get yourself some wetwipes for those first
couple of days where you may not feel like or are not able to shower this
way you can still freshen up with ease. get a nice stuffed animal to hug
while you are healing :) it helps :) also have some nice cds or magazines
or a book youve been wanting to read. youll need to remember to get up and
move alot to avoid the blood clots but for those uncopmfy moments where you
cannot sleep reading material or good music will get ya through it. best of
luck to you and ill be thinking of you on your special day :)
— carrie M.
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