Recommendations on vitamins

I'm just 4 weeks post op and still on bugs bunny chewables, but I know I'll have to switch soon. I was reviewing the AMOS product reviews and came across one that had a bunch of good reviews, but I couldn't figure out how to order it. Anyone taking some vitamins from a company called Bariatric Supplement System, Inc? If not, what other vitamins is anyone on that that swear by? Thanks!    — D W. (posted on November 13, 2002)

November 12, 2002
I am 10 months post op and STILL use chewables, twice a day. I also order the calcium citrate with magnesium and D capsuls from I buy Sundown brand Carbonyl Iron ( best absorbed iron for RNYers) at Wal Mart. I take a sublingual B-12 daily that I get at GNC. My labs have been fine so far so I don't plan on changing anything at this point.
   — Kim B.

November 12, 2002
I take the adult centrum chewables. They are inexpensive and have everything that the expensive ones have.
   — Linda A.

November 12, 2002
You'll get alot of different vitamin answers. Personally, I still take the Flintstones chewables (2 X a day), and I am 9 months post-op. I take enough pills and enjoy the taste of them! Some post-ops are on pre-natal vitamins. You can also go to (she is an 8 year post-op) and check out her selection
   — Cindy R.

November 13, 2002
My nutrionist advised me this...take the vitamin and drop it in a glass of water, or vinegar, and if it takes longer than 20 min to 1/2 hr it will not dissolve fast enough for a bypass patient. I tried Herbalife which never did dissolve. I tried Centrum and it dissolved in 1 minute. That's what I use. I take 1 Centrum. Now they bothered my stomach so I take it at nite before bed. It works while I sleep and I wake in the morning which no stomach ache. And any vits that are time released, will take too long to dissolve.
   — Karla K.

November 13, 2002
It really isn't necessary to spend a lot of money on expensive vitamins like the Vista Vitamins or those from BSS. I'm 15 months post-op and still take 2 Flintstones Complete chewables a day (I tried the generic version of Centrum but it didn't sit well in my pouch); 1000 mcg sublingual B12, 100 Mg chewable iron, dry Vitamin E, Zinc, Vitamin A&D, and Calcium Citrate 1500 Mg a day. I can buy a 90 day supply of all those vitamins for what a 30 day supply of the "special bariatic" vitamins cost and my labs are perfect!
   — LLinderman

November 14, 2002
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   — Kimberly B.

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