Gyn doc recommended hysterectomy

Hi, I am also at a lower BMI, 5'3" and weigh approximately 208 pounds, which I think gives me a 38. I went to an intial consult with a surgeon but they said they wouldn't even submit it with my BMI. I am in the process of trying to see if I have any cormobidites, which I do. I have suffered with the stress incontinence for quite a number of years. I recently went to the gyn doctor and he suggested (seriously) that I have a hysterectomy to alleviate this problem. Needless to say I would not consider this, but it galls me that the insurance company would pay for a (unnecessary) hysterectomy but not for the wls surgery. My point is do you think I should try and get a letter from my gyn stating my incontinence and the necessity of having a hysterectomy. I also have extremely high cholesterol in the 400 range, an extensive family history of heart disease, both paternal and maternal. I am scheduled to see a pulmonary doctor this week to see if I can get a apnea test. Thanks for listening. Debbie    — Debbie W. (posted on October 14, 2002)

October 15, 2002
OMG Debbie, is that the only reason he wants to do a hysterectomy? I had stress urinary incontinence SECONDARY to a hysterectomy that became worse as I gained weight. It got so bad I was wearing "heavy" pads daily. Now that I have lost 95# I rarely have an accident. I would think the weightloss would be a much better choice unless you have alot of other uterine problems. The high cholesterol and family hx would be co-morbidities. Also high blood pressure if you have it. Perhaps you should see another surgeon more willing to work for you. Good luck.
   — LLinderman

October 15, 2002
A criteria for WLS is at least 100 lbs over your ideal weight...I am also 5'3 and was 278 lbs at surgery time. Of course I am speaking about are probably about 60-70 lbs over what the "charts" say you should be....what type of WLS are you looking at having....maybe some do not require the 100 lbs over...maybe may have more co-morbids than you think...I listed.Stress incontinence, arthritis in both knees, bursitis in both hips, back pain (upper & lower) Heel spurs, migraines. I dod not have diabetes or high blood pressure or any other "serious" co-morbid, but was well on my way there. Think about all of those little annoyances your body puts you through and list matter how little it sounds and whether or not you think it has anything to do with your weight. I remember 208lbs on the way up to 278 felt horrible, on the way down it felt better, now at 172 lbs It feels great! Best wishes, I hope you find what is right for you!
   — Patricia R.

October 15, 2002
I thought it was a bmi of 35 if you have enough co morbs. I can't imagine your insurance company approving a healthy hysterectomy. Most hospitals also do not allow removal of healthy organs.
   — faybay

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