Before surgery I never drank coffee now I crave it at all times Why?

   — Juana B. (posted on October 11, 2002)

October 10, 2002
I am the same way!!!! Since almost immediately after surgery I have craved coffee...sometimes so strong is my craving that I leave my house to buy coffee and make special trips to coffee shops. I used to drink coffee maybe once or twice a year. but now I have about half a cup almost every day. I normally drink decaf, but sometimes not. Great question, though I've often wondered why I craved coffee...glad im not the only one out there who does!!
   — Pamela P.

October 10, 2002
Funny U should mention this. B4 surgery I would occasionaly drink coffee. Now I NEED to have a cup every morning. I usually just drink one cup and I am fine with that. For some reason I need to have it. I am sorry I dont know why or understand but its just how it is for me. I use splenda in it with creamer. *sipping* ahhhhh nothing says g'morning to me like a hot cup these days. :0) RNY 4.5 months ago and down 96 pounds.
   — Sassy M.

October 11, 2002
I too have become a coffee addict since the surgery. I used to drink a cup during the morning and now at least 3 or 4 before I can really start my day. I've thought that maybe I substituted one addiction for another. Since food is no longer an option, I'm substituting coffee. What do you think?
   — Michael N.

October 11, 2002
I LOVE COFFEE! I stay so cold since surgery (11-12-01) that I drink it to warm me up. Just remember to drink "DECAF", the caffiene in regular coffee is not good for you and doesn't count as any of your fluid intake, the decaf counts and tastes just as good:)
   — Lynda T.

October 11, 2002
Oh the coffee, I'm the same way I crave it so bad now that I'm post op, I used to only like it from times to times, but now it's every day that I need it... At least 2 cups a day. I think it's cause the lack of caffiene that we have. I've been realyl good no soda since surgery, and to be honest don't crave it , but I think without the coffee I would a mega beast... !! P.s. not to go off on the subject, but 4 1/2 months post op and still craving dill whole pickles ?? There's another weid craving...
   — tannedtigress

October 11, 2002
Caffeine's gotten a bad rap over the years, but recent studies show it's not only not necessarily bad for us, but can have benificial effects. Do some research in online newspapers and medical journal articles yourself before you decide to go totally caffeine free. :>)
   — [Deactivated Member]

October 11, 2002
I LOVE my coffee!!! Starbucks calls to me....Soy Latte with Sugar Free Vanilla...yummmm!!! I have lost 135 pounds, I'm maintaining that loss quite well, and I drink an incredible amount of coffee. I also drink 100 ounces of water a day, without fail ( I will stay up late and night to finish my water) I do worry about Kidney Stones like Michelle mentioned earlier and have made an effort to cut back some. With winter coming on, I will long for something hot to drink more often, I am experimenting with some herbal teas to find one I like, Green tea with Chamomile is pretty good =). I have never felt that the coffee stimulated my appetite, if anything, it helps with the "hungries", I eat ALOT less on my Starbucks days!!! Luckily the nearest Starbucks is almost 45 minutes away...LOL. Best wishes to you all in this journey, Life is good!!! ((((hugs)))) and smiles =)))
   — DebPKansas

October 11, 2002
hiya! this isn't really an answer to your question - i drank coffee pre op and still drink it post op but i use mine now as a protein supplement: i take a big cup (like 12 oz) and mix 1 tbls EAS Advantage Chocolate Whey protein with 1 tbls Jarrow's Iso Rich Soy Protein powder then pour in the coffee, add some Vitamite (milk substitute) and some heavy whipping cream (the no sugar stuff-comes in a little milk type carton) and drink it down over about an hour or so...i get around 25-30g protein and it is the only way i can start my days! kate open rny 6-14-01 pre op: 268lbs goal: 135lbs current: 126lbs
   — jkb

October 12, 2002
I, too, like the others now seem to have a coffee addiction. And the worst part is, I really like it with 1/2 and 1/2 or skim milk (I never drank it that way before). I think it cuts down on some of acidity of it.
   — dianehanson

October 13, 2002
hi :) im a person that went from one cup a year to about 1 pot a day. its all post op too. i love it now and it really helps me to stay away from eating too much. i use non dairy creamer and splenda to sweeten it and it tastes very good to me. i also noticed that post op i freeze alot and coffee helps to get me warm again.
   — carrie M.

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