Too Much Protein?

Had my 1 year check up yesterday - down 145 lbs, 15 to goal. All my lab work came out with flying colors however my Dr wants me to cut back my protein to 50 grms (currently I'm getting approx 100 grms per day - mainly due to protein shakes). He says too much protein is hard on your kidneys and could be dangerous but generally speaking all I read is about upping your protein for good weight loss. I'm confused - if I cut back to only 50 grms won't my weight loss stop? Thanks!    — Judi D. (posted on October 5, 2002)

October 5, 2002
That doesn't make sense. The way we used to eat we would get in way over 100 grams of protein. I mean look at a porterhouse steak that probably has about 100 alone.
   — Linda A.

October 5, 2002
Actually your Doc is right. Your kidneys do process the protein and too much could make them work a lot harder. In the matter of what we used to eat, we ate a lot more of EVERYTHING which made not only our kidneys work hard but our liver as well. Since we are eating a main diet of protein and not all the other junk, our kidneys do most the work. I wish you the best.
   — Gina D.

October 5, 2002
WELL IM CONFUSED TOO because i thought the pre digested protein (in the drinks) wouldnt be hard on the kidneys and liver. My dr also only wants me on 50-60 grms a day due to some pre op problems...oh well...we swing this way and that dont we??? MY BIG PROBLEM IS HOW NOT TO BE HUNGRY.
   — Jackiis

October 5, 2002
Your doctor is right. Too much protein will over-work your kidneys. Your organs are already going through "shock"...I mean they are used to getting 3,000+ calories a day and now you're eating a mere 600-1200. Your body is in starvation mode, and although the outcome is good overall, the active weight loss phase is rough on your body. You also only digest a max of 20-30 grams of protein at a time, depending on your type of why intake more and overwork those kidneys? 50 grams is still better than none, just make sure to keep up with your water. Water flushes out the toxins that your fat cells release. Good luck and congrats on your loss!
   — Paula Prichard

October 5, 2002
No, your weight loss won't stop. I'm at goal and haven't supplemented. Well, I did when I was doing taste-tests, trying the different kinds. I never found one that I liked so I quit trying and still made it to goal. I have mainly focused on protein rich foods. My labs have been fine and I'm actually still losing, 2 lbs. this past week! Too much of *anything* is bad for us. That includes carbs, protein, even water! Moderation is key to healthy living.
   — Cheri M.

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