Could this burning pain be spasms?

I had surgery on 7/26/01 and have lost 85 pounds. Over the last few weeks, I have been having a terrible ache, burn, spasm? I am not sure what it is. It is located just below my ribs and spans about 10 inches across my middle, upper abdomin. I have also been VERY VERY tired lately. I went and had blood work done yesterday to see if I am low in any of my counts. I will have those results next week, but something that suprised me was that although my normal blood pressure since surgery has been around 130/80, yesterday it was 160/110! What could be the cause? With the exception of being so tired lately, I feel great. No other pain except the abdomin and sometimes it is so painful that I have to stop what I am doing. Help!?    — barbpatter (posted on October 2, 2002)

October 2, 2002
Are you on any anti ulcer medications?? I had the same thing and it was a small ulcer that felt immediatly better once i started on Protonix. Make sure that you discuss this with your surgeon.
   — Vicki L.

October 2, 2002
I had burning pains at four months that I thought was gas. The doctor diagnosed an ulcer and gave me carafate. I've been on it for about six weeks and even though they have improved, I still get them sometimes. Good luck.
   — Lisa N M.

October 2, 2002
I developed the same burning pains 6 mos post op. Turned out to be an ulcer and my galbladder. Definately have it checked out. Neither one usually go away on their own.
   — RebeccaP

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