
Thanks so much to all of the people who have answered my questions. I love this group!! I've learned so may things from the people on here. God Bless All!!!    — Shelley P. (posted on September 24, 2002)

September 24, 2002
I agree - everyone has been helpful in answering questions, or offering advise. I found several of you a godsend the day before my surgery as I really needed support. I knew I was making the right decision, but I was scared to say the least.
   — beryl

September 25, 2002
I have to say that I get more information, support, and just a general "I'm ok too" feeling from the answers I get from the members of this board. It's a great place to feel out the experiences of others and know I am not alone in this journey.
   — Kay S.

September 25, 2002
One of the great things was when I was waiting for surgery, I asked a question from one of the members and she responded with so much information for me. Now that I'm post-op, several people have written to me asking me questions. It's nice to be able to give back. :o)
   — Jennifer A.

September 26, 2002
Shelley, I agree this site is the best! The people here are the best! Just remember that once you are post op there are people that are going to need your support. So many just dissappear after they are post op and we never hear from them again....I just hate that. We get so wrapped in ones progress and then **Bam** we never hear from them to get updates or anything. So rememeber, there are so many that care about you and want to know how you are progressing as a post op so stay on and keep everyone updated:) GOOD LUCK!
   — Lynda T.

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