I'm pre op and I was wondering, sometimes I get a little sick off greasy foods

and I tend to throw it up, but when i do a "little" bit of blood is what I can see and this worries me. My bm aren't affected or anything It's very little I was just wondering my surgery is in 4 wks should I be concerned? has anyone had this problem before? thanks all answers apprecated    — jennifer O. (posted on August 15, 2002)

August 15, 2002
Throwing up blood isn't normal, I would see my doctor right away to get it checked ou before you have surgery. Good Luck!
   — ZZ S.

August 15, 2002
You should be concerned--sounds like your stomach is not in good condition--be sure to mention it to your dr. you stomach needs to be in tip top shape for your surgery-- and you will not be eating greasy foods again--- they have to be baked, boiled, or broiled and with NO fats
   — Linda L.

August 15, 2002
Definitely sounds like something you will need to get checked out with a gastroenterologist. Don't rely on the WLS for this one--go to a specialist. Throwing up blood (no matter how little) is not something you should ignore.<p>As far as eating fats after surgery, I have no problems eating foods cooked with oil. I do avoid deep fried foods because they make me nauseated, but don't think you are doomed to a future of bland, tasteless, dry meats. I eat lots of different things, just less of them!
   — ctyst

August 16, 2002
Not to make light of this, but I have a very sensitive gag relex. I have alot of phlegm at the back of my throat when I wake up in the morning and sometimes it gets the best of me, making me gag and eventually throwing up. I tend to throw up hard each and everytime; nothing half way for me. I do try to keep it short but sometimes it just goes on for about 5 minutes and I see blood. It was explained to me that I could be rupturing tiny blood vessels at the back of my throat each time. I've been doing this for years...about 5 to be exact. Now I do have gastritis and acid reflux and when I had my gallbladder out this past June, I had an endoscopy at the same time. The doctor didn't see anything unusal other than what the gastritis does to the stomach lining (makes it red and irritated looking). I'm taking Prilosec, twice a day, 20 mg until the end of October and if I still have problems with acid reflux and stomach pain my PCP wants to send me to a stomach specialist which will mean, maybe, another endoscopy. I agree that you should see your doctor about this because it could mean anything from the not so serious (like me) to the real serious. If you haven't had your pre op tests yet, maybe you could ask for an endoscopy if they don't do so normally (although I think it would be normal procedure, yes?) If you have already had your pre op tests, did you have an endoscopy and if you did, you should find out what the results were. Again, if you didn't, you should ask your doctor if he thinks you should. Good luck and try not to worry too much (easier said than done I'm sure). Take care, Cathy
   — jenlaur1

August 16, 2002
thanks Cathy, I had failed to mention that I do have servere acid reflex and I've had it for about 4yrs. This problem isn't new but I was just wondering if it was going to interfere with surgery, but its also a co-morb Kaiser knows about. I 'm taking 800mg of tagamet for this. Thanks everyone for their input I'm going to talk to my pcp about this. My surgery is next month Sept.20th at 8:15am at Saint Joesh hosp. in Denver Colo. I just updated my profile so anyone fill free to email me at [email protected]. I need all the support I can get. thanks
   — jennifer O.

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