Any suggestions on what I can tell my fat phobic PCP to get her to give me a referral

Any suggestions are welcome, especially by folks who had a hard time initially, or had difficult PCPs on how to convince them to give you the surgery referral...I've got my first appointment in the morning and am anticipating problems. Thanks!    — Kelle W (posted on August 7, 2002)

August 7, 2002
Kelle--your PCP may surprise you and give you clearance...mine did. I really thought he'd say, "no way" but I wrote him a letter and gave it to him to read at the explained ALL of my family history and ALL my diet history and what WLS means to me (Sharon Brittain has GREAT letters in her profile that you can use). Good luck!
   — Michelle Y.

August 7, 2002
My doctor surprised me and was all for it. :) If your doctor gives you trouble, it may be time to change doctors. Sandi
   — goodgal

August 7, 2002
I had a super hard time getting a referral from my Primary care physician of 2 1/2 years. He had me in tears after our last meeting and he refused to give me a referral and he was trying to find another kind of diet pill or program to suggest to me but I was hell bent on going to the surgeon in Chicago and start on my way to losing weight! My advice to you is if your PCP is reluctant to give you a referral, don't except that kind of rejection! Immediately change doctors and call your surgeon's office and get a list of WLS friendly doctors and by all means, change to one of them! READ MY PROFILE, I HAD PURE HELL TRYING TO GET THIS SURGERY! KEEP ME POSTED ON WHAT YOUR CURRENT DOCTOR SAYS! MY EMAIL IS: [email protected] I am curious as to what you will do, but don't except no for an answer. My former PCP was angry with me because I did not listen to him. As a matter of fact, he lied to me and told me that I would never get approval from Humana HMO because they don't approve this kind of surgery, and when I told him that I have talked to patients who had humana and who did get approved he just tuned me out and told me that I was not big enough, even though my bmi was 48 and my weight was 150 over the ideal weight. He still tried to deter me from having this surgery. He lied and he tried to discourage me by telling me also that this surgery is too expensive and that I would have problems wherever I go!!!! I am going to go to his office and show him when I lose 50 more pounds! HE IS NOT THE KIND OF DOCTOR THAT I WOULD RECOMMEND TO ANYONE. I THOUGHT THAT HE WAS THE BEST DOCTOR THAT I EVER HAD UNTIL I TRIED TO GET A REFERRAL FROM HIM AND HE TURNED ON ME!!! I CRIED DURING THE THANKSGIVING AND XMAS HOLIDAYS BECAUSE I BELIEVED THE LIES THAT HE TOLD ME ABOUT THIS SURGERY. NOW I AM GLAD THAT PEOPLE REACHED OUT TO ME AND SHOWED ME THE WAY AND NOW I AM ON MY WAY TO LIVING A HAPPIER LIFE! GOOD LUCK, SHIRLEY!!!!!
   — Shirley M.

August 7, 2002
if you have problems with your PCP, find one who is wls friendly. perhaps call your surgeon's office and ask their recommendations if you have troubles.
   — [Deactivated Member]

August 7, 2002
On the day of my appt with my pcp my husband suggested I write up a time line starting with the time I started gaining weight, diets I've tried, losses I had and the regains; I included my pregnancies (including the fact that I was borderline gestational diabetic). I also included any problems I was having (I have irregular periods, joint pain, was just diagnosed with chronic gastritis and I just had my gallbladder taken out) along with my family history (both my parents are/were overweight, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, heart disease, diabetes, obesity and my mother just recently had both her knees replaced) Included everything that pertains to your weight and the problems you have had or are having. My time line covered 20 years of being overweight, with almost ten years being MO. My pcp was clearly impressed and she took a copy of it for my records and she suggested that I take this with me when I see the psychologist, nutritionist and even my surgeon and have them make copies for my records. I hope this helps you out and I agree with the others, if your pcp is still not willing to give you a referral it's time to find someone who will. Good luck and God bless!! Cathy
   — jenlaur1

August 7, 2002
I too was a little afraid of going to my PCP for a referral, but luckily he was very supportive. I went to the appointment with my obesity history written down, what I tried how long, the success or failure etc. plus the times I was seen for obesity related issues and what was done and where. I also copied "The rationale for WLS" off of the website and took it (it is about 16 pages). He was happy to have the information and impressed at the research I had done. The article on the ASBS website is great it gives all the stats, reasons etc with explainations and backs it up with research and published articles. It is specifically written for Docs who do not know anything about the surgery. Anyway, good luck and let us know how you do!
   — Lynn L.

August 7, 2002
After I told my PCP I wanted a referral to a bariatric surgeon, she told me, "Oh, you don't want *that*" and promptly gave me a prescription for Prozac. After 6 months, she retired, and I found a new doctor who was willing to give me a referral. If your PCP refuses, find another doc! Good luck to you.
   — kristinevok

August 7, 2002
I had my visit with the pcp today...and i was in your boat exactly. What i did was get my old medical records and i wrote a personal letter stating the different diets i've tried along with my family history. I also downloaded some information on the different types of surgery and i had the surgeon's information who i wanted to see. I had all that information and she never looked at it. she said that she would give me the referral and that she was behind me 100% in any decision i make...i'm so happy now. she does want me to take a blood test to make sure my throid was ok but other then that she is all for the surgery. now i have to worrry about the insurance approving it. if you have any questions please feel free to email me at [email protected]~~~~GOOD LUCK
   — Stacy I.

August 7, 2002
Do you have Sleep Apnea? My sleep doctor gave me my referall. You may tell your PCP, that you would like to be referred to a sleep clinic. Maybe, she will do that. Then you can discuss the surgery with them. Hope this helps.
   — LaRayne C.

August 7, 2002
I did not need a PCP referral to pick a surgeon, but I needed a PCP who was willing to support me after the surgery. I left my first PCP because he told me I should just get used to the idea of being heavy...I went into my new PCP armed with my surgeon's credentials along with a letter I wrote explaining in detail all of my co-morbids. Although my new PCP would not say that he thought I "needed" it he was very impressed with my research on it and my determination and said that if I finally decided to do it, he would be very supportive with the after-care. Best of luck to you!!!
   — Amy S.

August 7, 2002
I actually asked the nurse practitioner. I told her how I felt as a fat woman, what I have tried, and she bargained with me. I lost a little weight and she urged my Dr. and they gave me a referral.
   — MF

August 7, 2002
Always keep in mind when you're dealing with the medical community that they are not the end-all decision makers. You are their customer and if you don't get satisfactory service, just like any service provider, you can take your business elsewhere. Your doctor needs you a whole lot more than you need him/her. Don't take negative treatment from any physician. I've had physicians that left me in tears and I just made up my mind I wasn't going to take that any more. If I'm not treated with courtesy and respect and feel that I am honestly being listened to, I go elsewhere and let them know in writing why.
   — Cathy S.

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