Can someone please foward me copies of a diet history?

Thanks! [email protected]    — lesleeloo (posted on June 25, 2002)

June 25, 2002
Hi Leslie. If you want to check out my website: Click on Pre-Op and then the Considering Surgery page. You can check out my conservative treatment history which documents each diet I have been on throughout the course of my life. I can't access it from here or I would email it to you. Good luck with everything!!
   — Christie S.

June 27, 2002
Hi. Here is what I included in my diet history: SUPERSIVSED & NON-SUPERVISED WEIGHT-LOSS ATTEMPTS The page was printed horizontally and the top half was labeled MEDICALLY SUPERVISED and the bottom half was labeled NON-MEDICALLY SUPERVISED Then I had columns titled: YEAR/AGE APPX. HT/WT METHOD DURATION/WEIGHT LOSS PHYSICIAN Examples: 1967/10 5'4/165 Amphetamines 2mos/20lbs Dr. No, Munich, Germany 1978/21 5'10/320 Low carb/Atkins 1yr/100lbs Hope this helps! Good luck to you!!
   — Rebecca T.

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