18 Days Post Op and still can't sleep, can I take Tylenol PM crushed?

I toss and turn all night and feel numb when I lay down. Although it feels better to stand and sit, I am SO TIRED. I want to sleep. Would appreciate any ideas. Thanks!    — Lisa R. (posted on June 17, 2002)

June 17, 2002
yes......i asked doc about that and i could have that the night before surgery...... and i take them every night to go to sleep...he said no problem at all
   — Sharon F.

June 17, 2002
Tylenol PM is actually Tylenol and Benadryl combined into one pill. Two is the dosage. You may be able to just break them in half and swallow them -- tastes much better than crushing them, and you may have no problem with a pill that size. Alternatively, Sominex is a tiny little pill (different ingredient - doxalamine succinate) that you could probably swallow without breaking. Either works well, though I prefer the latter. Take which ever 1/2 an hour before you go to bed, to give it time to kick in. A final word of caution, if you are taking blood pressure medicine, neither of these is appropriate for you. Sweet Dreams!
   — Karen F.

June 17, 2002
I took Tylenol PM for the first couple of weeks post-op. I didn't need to break them apart or crush them. I had no difficulty and it really helped! Good Luck! April 29, 2002 Open RNY -41
   — stacey L.

June 17, 2002
I went through that after my surgery. I went days cat-napping and was exhausted! I finally called my doctor and he gave me sleeping medication. That first night was a wonderful sleep.
   — dolphins94

June 17, 2002
I was told I could take Tylenol PM; so I do and I've had no problems. Hope you get some sleep!~
   — Kristin R.

June 17, 2002
I had the same problem when I called my surgeon he told me to take liquid tylenol and liquid benydryl he told me it was the same as tylenol pm only in liquid form I took that and slept like a log. When I was able to take pills I switched to tylenol pm.
   — susan V.

June 17, 2002
If you can handle pills you may also want to ask your doctor about taking ambien. It's a short-term prescription sleeping pill that works wonders. It's the only thing that's made me sleep a full night post-op. (I am about 4 weeks post-op). The pills are pretty small and I break mine in half just to be safe.
   — sheltie

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