When after surgery can I begin exercising and what can I do?

   — Elizabeth P. (posted on June 11, 2002)

June 11, 2002
Asap start with walking or swimming or something you enjoy doing. I went for a walk the day I got home from surgery.
   — Twyla R.

June 11, 2002
Walking! I started this right away when I could stand upright. probably about 6 weeks after surgery. I am now 6 months out, and have been swimming with no problems except some pain in my muscles because I am now excersising muscles I have rarely before used. I would think that you could start swimming as soon as your scar(s) is(are) healed.
   — sbinkerd1

June 12, 2002
Elizabeth, I'm 3 weeks post op (Lap RNY) and my surgeon wanted me to start walking as soon as I could (6 times a day for 5 minutes each time). Last Thursday I walked 22 minutes and felt fine. Monday I walked twice (26 min and 47 min). Yesterday I walked twice (30 min and 40 min)!! I'm starting to really enjoy walking, so I'm going to keep it up! Good luck! ~Rachelle
   — rdszakacs

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