Why are my nipples sore?

I am 20 days post op now, and for the last week my nipples have been extrememly sensitive. Last night i was looking at them and i was able to express fluid from both of them. This is very uncommon for me. What is this? Should i be concerned?    — tinalivesay (posted on May 28, 2002)

May 27, 2002
Any chance you could be pregnant?
   — Terissa R.

May 27, 2002
My thoughts were same as 1st poster, any possibility of being prenant?
   — Jeri P.

May 27, 2002
I would go get it checked for sure, but, I went in for this about a year ago(still preop) and my Dr. said that it had to do with how heavy I was and the effect that had on my hormones. He did however send me in for a mamogram. It is probably nothing but you should go get it checked out anyway.
   — [Deactivated Member]

May 28, 2002
Hi Kristina, I had the same thing happen after my surgery, there's NO Possible way I could've been pregnant,I had a tubal lig. done in 1983. It scared the heck out of me though. My doctor reassured me the tubes were not miraculously fused together after all these years,he said it was a side effect of the anestesia. It lasted about 2 weeks and never returned.
   — Connie Z.

May 28, 2002
Remember, your body is going through a major hormonal change. This can cause nipple soreness and sensitivity. The same thing happens to me when I go off birth control pills or change my pill type. If it continues for another few days, I'd call my doctor.
   — Mariee H.

May 28, 2002
i am the orginal poster. NO i am not pregnant lol. THere is no way i can be. I called my doc today and i see him on thursday to check it out
   — tinalivesay

June 2, 2002
hi original poster again. My doc ordered a prolactin test and it came back elevated. Now we get to find out what it is. I am definetly scared a bit from what i have read online it can be cancer or brain tumor.
   — tinalivesay

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