My family doctor says that the side effects of Xenical are similar to Roux-en-Y Surg.

My family doctor says that the side effects of Xenical are very similar to the post-op effects of the Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass Surg. Is this true? She said that she wants me to try Xenical first, to see if I'm going to be able to handle the post-op effects of the surg.(like dirreha, the dumping syndrome, ect.) I went to see the surgeon before talking to my PCP, and did ALOT of research on the surg, and finally decided that I wanted to go for the surg. But when I went to see my PCP about it, it took her only 15 minutes to shoot all of my hopes down. PLEASE e-mail me with ANY comments. [email protected] Thanks!    — Denise P. (posted on May 7, 2002)

May 7, 2002
I tried Xenical. It is gross. Be prepared to clean the bowl by flusing 4 or 5 times. I think it is a waste of time. However, I begged my doctor to give it to me. I'm only 4 weeks out and have never experienced any Xenical moments. I think your doctor is misinformed. I actually have not even had one stomach cramp or nausea feeling. This surgery is the best thing I've ever done. The only thing I have experienced is vomitting from eating to quickly. But nothing like that gross pill. Eat a bag of WOW chips and see what happens. That's a Xenical reaction. Good luck.
   — Mary V.

May 7, 2002
I too took xenical for about 4 months or so and didn't loose more than 15 lbs. I think and agree it was GROSS. Had more than 1 accident myself and I'm now almost 10 weeks post-op and had the DISTAL RNY which is supposed to have more of those "xenical" type side effects and I've had NONE compared to what I had with xenical - YEAH :) !! Too bad your PCP isn't being more supportive, I was fortunate mine has about 2-3 patients that has had good success with the RNY surgeries and was very supportive - best of luck!!
   — Lisa F.

May 7, 2002
I have never taken Xenical, but have heard of the side-effects. Most do not have diarrhea as a problem. However, if you dump, you will have it. But you learn exactly what you can tolerate and stay away of the things that you cannot. I have only had one diarrhea episode after eating sunflower seeds. I don't know why that was the culprit. But I do know that I will never eat them again. My problem is constipation. Usually the opposite of what you hear about gastric bypass patients. Ihave seen many that have the constipation problem also. And to correct it I just take Fiber Choice chewable tablets, which is natural fiber, and tasty too. Your PCP isn't fully informed. I wish these doctors would get informed and be more supportive of this life-saver. Good luck
   — Cheri M.

May 7, 2002
I took xenical and it was awful...Cramping, diarreah and ruined wasn't just passing gas. I haven't come close with the RNY surgery (2 months out) Sure you occassionally have diarreah but Xenical is a world away in difference. Drink the water out of country in an extremely "rural" area and eat the WOW chips...that is Xenical at it's best. I regret NOTHING with the surgery.
   — Glenn M.

May 7, 2002
Time to get a new PCP. She is just trying to push drugs on you and in all the research I have ever done on RNY, I have never heard that it is similar to Xenical in side effects. But the main difference is with Xenical, you can still eat a ton, feel hungary, and as soon as you go off it, will likely regain everthing plus more. Good luck.
   — Dell H.

May 7, 2002
How sad. I hate it when MD's use their MD to "sound" informed when they are simply prejudiced. IN THEORY, we should ALL have the D. But we don't. Many docs are stuck on the old intestinal bypass symptoms (diarrhea) or stomach stapling (horizontal type----- it won't work), or some other relic from the past. Anyone who is informed on today's procedure might worry about protein, iron, B12 or calcium problems, not diarrhea. Xenical cannot imitate dumping. You have to put raw food directly into a hunk of intestine that was accustomed to receiving digested food to get that group of symptoms. Your doc is scaring me. And true dumping is your FRIEND, not your enemy.
   — vitalady

May 7, 2002
I agree with Laura. And it makes me to thankful that when I approached my PCP about the gastric bypass surgery, he was all for it for me. In fact, he was so proud of MY courage in wanting to take such a step. You need to find someone who will support you. They ARE out there. Good luck. Xenical will make you crap your pants when you least expect is NASTY. WLS is a lifestyle change....for the better.
   — blank first name B.

May 7, 2002
I agree with all of the posters. While I am not post op, I have taken Xenical. I lost no weight what-so-ever. I was always having embarrassing accidents and it wasn't really Diarreha. You leak an orange greasy substance that smells disgusting and the odor can linger. It DOES NOT create dumping either. You are always hungry and can still pig out so your not really helping yourself at all. You might want to print this page from your computer and ask your doctor if she has taken Xenical. When she says no (it obvious that she hasn't) you can say well here are some people who have and show her the page. She obviously needs to do some more research on both the drug and the surgery!!!
   — Karen W.

May 8, 2002
I was on Xenical prior to my surgery - it was horrible. At least if you "dump" on this procedure, you know never to eat that stuff again. Xenical left you always dumping. There's no comparison, in my opinion. Different like day & night. The PCP sounds as though she/he might not be as educated in bariatric surgeries as she/he thinks she is. I've found there are not nearly as many PCP's as educated as I believe they should be on this revolutionary surgery. There are things changing with each passing month and the expertise on it within the Bariatric Surgeon's 'group' is incredible. Don't let your hopes be too down - if you want something bad enough, and it sounds like you do, you'll get through it if it is meant to be. The hurdles some of us have had to cross on this emotional roller coaster of the WLS life is incredible - but we certainly are some of the strongest people I know. Give me a jingle if you want to visit - my path hasn't been completely smooth either. Hang in there !! ():)
   — Lisa J.

July 11, 2002
Denise, Are you sure your doctor doesn't have stock in Xenical or something? :) I am 100% positive and glad to tell you that the two are nothing alike. I was on Xenical for a few months and all I did was "leak" this oily discharge and boy was it embarrassing. I had to wear huge maxi pads in the butt of my underwear! I am 5 weeks post-op opn RNY and down almost 50#. I had a terrible time with diarrhea pre-op, but my bowel movements are much better post-op. Xenical is horrible in my book, and who knows....just like phen-phen it will probably be off the market in 10 years anyway. Good luck!
   — Kelly C.

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