Would a PAP smear of mild dysplasia cause a person not to be able to have WLS?

Yesterday, I found out that my recent PAP smear came back showing mild dysplasia. This is the 4th time in the past 13 years that this has happened. Can this condition cause me not to be able to have WLS? Has anyone had any experience with this kind of problem?    — SnowWhiteDove459 (posted on May 4, 2002)

May 3, 2002
Robin, it shouldn't stop your WLS at all. It does have to be checked out and treated as a separate issue, as you probably know from having had it before.
   — Karen S.

May 4, 2002
I found out last fall that I had dysplasia. I had to be teated twice before I got a normal pap. I sent my records from my gynocologists office to my surgeon and he never mentioned it being a problem. I also told my gynocologist that I was having surgery and he didn't think it would be any problem. I did just last week have the pap that came back normal and I got the call to schedule surgery for the 10th of June. So thankfully I can concentrate on the surgery alone. Best of luck to you with both issues.
   — Janine S.

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