Shortness of breath, heavy chest, dizzy/lightheaded periodically. Any ideas?

I am pre-op. For a few weeks I have been having periods where all of the sudden I get short of breath and my chest feels heavy. I can breath but only very shallowly and sometimes have to gulp like I've been running very hard. Nothing usually precipitates these symptoms except sometimes I get hot and nauseated too. This last about half an hour and then I feel better but exhausted and wiped out. Has anyone had these symptoms, what is going on?    — cjabates (posted on April 7, 2002)

April 7, 2002
Also, with all a person goes through in the pre-op stage, plus other things in your personal life, this could be anxiety.
   — Tammy B.

April 7, 2002
You should go to the DR!!! It also may be reflux. I had similar feelings before surgery----- Good Luck
   — Robert L.

April 10, 2002
Amanda,,,I am also pre-op and have bouts of my heart fluttering and like I have a catch in my throat. If you've had medical and cardiac clearance I would guess it's probably anxiety,,I think mine is,,I have been heavy a long time and get these palpatations and SOB and I'm on Tenormin for it,,,it helps with the palps, and seems to calm me. Tenormin is for blood pressure, but is also used alot for palps,,,I'm excited to have the surg, but also very nervous,,good luck,,,Susie
   — Susie R.

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