Where am I loosing weight?

I have been told by more than one doctor, I am a total apple body shape. However you can't seem to tell by my weight loss. I am five weeks post op and down about 40 lbs. (Myself, pcp, and surgeon have arguing scales, LOL)I've lost from the face and bottom according to my husband. He also says my hands are smaller. I notice my tops fit more loose on my upper abdomen (ie, under my breasts) but the weight is not leaving my stomach area. I have no idea why. Am I ever going to lose anything from the belly? I thought apples tended to loose all over fairly evenly. Anyone have any ideas what is going on? I started at 280 and I am 5'3.    — Tina P. (posted on February 5, 2002)

February 5, 2002
Hi. I'm not an apple shape but I can tell you that the swelling in my stomach didn't go down until about 2 months out. Maybe that is your problem. I would give it a couple more weeks. Hope this helps.
   — Janet R.

February 5, 2002
I am not familiar with my fruits but I had a big belly pre op and it was the last to go post op. It seems that the concentrated areas of fat are held onto by the body. It kind of makes sense when you think about it. If you lost evenly throughout your whole body but had more to lose in a specific area, then it is going to be much more noticeable in the smaller areas. You've had a wonderful weight loss so far but you still got a ways to go and I wouldn't get discouraged.
   — Jeannet

February 5, 2002
I am an apple big time. I had a huge neck and stomach. I have been loosing from the top down. My stomach seems to be the slowest, but when I measure I am pleasantly surprised. My waist still feels huge, but I have lost 12 inches in 3 months. So you probably are losing there, it just doesn't feel like it. Keep up with your measurements, they are a great 'pick-me-up' when you hit a plateau.
   — Cheri M.

February 5, 2002
I don't think I'm like a fruit....I'm more like the bowl. I have noticed I've lost some in my belly though. In fact, the apron I had after having my first kid is gone and I just have a little sagging in the belly now. I'm hopeful I won't look like a Sharpei!!!
   — Goldilauxx B.

February 5, 2002
You described me perfectly. And my mom, and her mom..... Bowling ball on toothpicks. My tummy was always lagging behind the rest of my weight loss. I wore elastic waists all the way down a size 4 and my tummy tuck. When I went in for TT, my hips were 33 & my waist was 31!!! Almost a square! Since the TT, though, I have a much more normal appearance. Whew. The GOOD thing about being an apple is that our arms & legs are not as much of a problem as our tummies.
   — vitalady

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