Is there a time when you can consider yourself out of danger?

I read and hear about people who die or are hospitalized in critical care after 4mths, 8mths, and a year out of surgery, and it makes me wonder if I AM "TRADING ONE SET OF PROBLEMS FOR ANOTHER". I am a worrier and just want some information on post surgical "IN THE CLEAR TIME SPAN". Well you know what I mean.    — Elizabeth P. (posted on January 19, 2002)

January 19, 2002
Maybe I'm just in denial, but at 7 weeks post-op, I consider myself "out of danger". Leaks are usually discovered within the first two weeks, as well as pulmanary embolisms. Strictures (narrowing of the stoma, where the intestine is reattached to the pouch) usually is discovered by 30 days. Bowel obstruction can occur up to a year after any abdominal surgery, but I can't concern myself with that now, as I'm no more at risk for that anyone else having any kind of abdominal surgery. My surgeon said everything is healed by 8 weeks, so if problems haven't occured by now, I highly doubt they will. I had a LAP RNY, so my incisions have been healed for awhile, but I think even open incisions should be healed by 8 weeks.
   — Cyndie K.

January 19, 2002
I totally understand, I'm pre-op and wondering the same questions. I have a consult and surgery scheduled for March 4, and want to know if this is the right thing. I'm only 25 and haven't had any children and will be getting married in December. I want to do this for my family, my future family and I just pray that this is the right thing. If you get any helpful information, please pass it on to me. Thanks
   — Straley S.

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